Aug 03, 2016

7 Things You Can Do During NIAM

National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) is an annual observance to highlight the importance of vaccination for people of all ages. Partners like you are key to raising awareness and NIAM is another great opportunity for you to show your support and spread the word about the importance of vaccines for people of all ages.

There are many ways you can get involved, so we’ve developed a list of 7 things you can do to promote vaccination during NIAM. You don’t have to have tons of time or money; the range of activities allows you to pick and choose which are most feasible for you and/or your organization.

1. Individuals can join the #VaxWithMe Thunderclap to amplify the message on social media. The #VaxWithMe Thunderclap message will go live on August 17th at 3:00 p.m. EDT/12:00 p.m.

How to show your support: Go to Click the red button to add your support for vaccination. You can choose to have the message post on your Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr account – or on all three. After you sign up, you can authorize Thunderclap to tell your friends and followers that you’ve joined #VaxWithMe. Encourage others to sign up too.

2. Share and “like” Immunize Nevada’s NIAM Facebook posts throughout the month to show your engagement with NIAM activities. This year’s official hashtag is #NIAM16 and the CDC will also be using #VaxWithMe to bring a personal, positive aspect to vaccine messages, and we encourage you to #VaxWithMe in your social media messages during NIAM and beyond.

3. Interact and engage your followers by displaying the most current immunization schedules and adult vaccine quiz on your website. Whenever CDC makes a change, your page will automatically display the update. For more information on content syndication, visit:

4. Visit Immunize Nevada’s YouTube channel and share videos on your social media platforms.

5. If you are interested in updating your immunization materials with the latest information, FAQs, and sample key messages visit to download NIAM toolkits developed by the National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC). To aid you in targeting your messages more effectively, each toolkit focuses on a different stage of the lifespan:

Adults (August 1-7)
Pregnant Women (August 8–14)
Babies & Young Children (August 15–21)
Preteens & Teens (August 22–28)

6. Share your story! Write a blog about your immunization experience for Immunize Nevada’s website. You can also share our posted blogs:

7. Download and distribute immunization flyers, posters, and fact sheets in your communities. Contact for free resources and information.

Thank you for supporting National Immunization Awareness Month!

Immunize Nevada

Immunize Nevada, an award winning 501c3 non profit, is widely recognized as Nevada’s trusted resource for immunizations and community health for all ages by fostering education and statewide collaboration.


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