Timely immunization reporting — it’s vital, it’s easy, and it’s the law.
Nevada WebIZ is a confidential, online computer system used in the state of Nevada to keep track of immunizations. Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 439.265 (and supporting regulations) require all immunizations administered in Nevada to be reported to Nevada WebIZ, the statewide immunization information system. This means that patients of ALL ages who receive an immunization must be entered (unless in the case of an “undue hardship”). All users who will be adding or modifying data MUST attend a Nevada WebIZ training course before they will be given a username and password to login.
If you need to know which immunizations a patient needs, this is where you check.
For more information about Nevada WebIZ, or call the Nevada WebIZ Help Desk: 775-684-5954.
Parents and legal guardians can also print official immunization records for their child(ren) (ages 0 through 17 years), and adults (ages 18 years and over) can print official immunizations records for themselves. This is an official record and can be used as proof of immunization for school entry, summer camp, employment, etc.