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Child Care/School Resources

Plan, prepare, and respond to help ensure healthy kids.

You are in a critical position to create awareness and influence action related to mandated and recommended immunizations in the school or child care community. School nurses, as the primary health professional in schools, are responsible for coordinating school and public health immunization programs and have opportunities to counsel families and staff regarding immunizations throughout the lifespan. Child care and school administrators are entrusted to keep the children they serve safe from harm on a daily basis.

School and Child Care Toolkit

Keeping school and child care center staff healthy is the best way to keep children — and their parents — happy and healthy as well. By encouraging staff members to get a flu vaccine, you’re ensuring that they’re able to work and provide for their families, while also protecting those in your care from potentially getting the flu.

No matter the level of transmission in a community, every school and child care program should have a plan in place to protect staff, children, and their families from the spread of any contagious disease (from flu to COVID-19).

How you can prepare for any health crisis

  • Create & update a plan for seasonal flu
  • Keep up-to-date parent contact information
  • Support flexible attendance and sick leave policies for children and staff
  • Engage local pediatricians, health department representatives, and qualified child care health consultants

How you can support influenza vaccination

  • Check influenza vaccination records regularly to ensure each child is up to date
  • Educate staff and ensure they receive their flu vaccine each season
  • Educate parents and help connect them to credible resources

COVID-19 Resources

CDC Schools and Child Care Guidance
Nevada Health Response
Southern Nevada schools: Call or to report positive COVID cases and receive guidance.

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