Download Toolkits and Order Materials

Download one of our immunization toolkits today! We've compiled best practices and resources, saving you time and helping increase your practice's immunization rates. You can also order FREE materials from us for your clinics. Download this form and return to us. 

HPVFreeNV Toolkit: Fact sheets, how to talk to parents, how to have HPV vaccine success, 2 dose schedule information, vaccine information statements, sample social media posts. 

InFLUence Others 2018-19 Flu Season Toolkit: Provider checklist, flu vaccine products, standing orders, safe injection practices, doses for children aged 8 and under, vaccine information statements, Nevada WebIZ, consumer materials.

FluFIT Toolkit for providers who see patients age 50 and over: Flowchart, talking points, screening chart, log and tracking templates, American Cancer Society guidelines.

Adult Immunization Toolkit: Standards for adult immunization practice - assessment, recommendation, administration, referral, documentation; billing and coding, improving immunization practices, sample social media posts.

WIC Toolkit: Includes resources for Nevada WIC providers including how to access immunization information in Nevada WebIZ, the latest technical bulletins outlining immunization requirements for school and childcare settings in Nevada, recommended immunization schedules for children & adolescents ages 0 – 18, handouts for parents with answers to some of the most common questions regarding immunization, and more.

Other Toolkits and Resources:

Immunization Action Coalition: Vaccinating Adults - A Step by Step Guide

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Vaccine Education Center

CDC: Talking with Parents about Vaccines

Tools to Assist Satellite, Temporary, and Off-Site Vaccination Clinics

ACOG: Immunization Toolkits (Tdap, Influenza, HPV)

ACOG: How to start an office-based immunization program

ACOG: Optimizing Immunization Programs in Obstetric-Gynecologic Practices

AAP: Social Media Toolkit

AAP: Billing, Contracting, and Payer Tools

  • Coding for Pediatrics
  • Coding Reference Sheet
  • Knowing Vaccine Costs
  • Managed Care Contracting
  • Private Payer Resources
  • Billing for Adolescent Health Services
  • Billing for Pediatric Preventive Care

AAFP Vaccine Coding: Coding for Vaccine Administration

NACCHO: Billing for Clinical Services (Public Health)

Nevada State Immunization Program: Immunization Toolkit for WIC Staff

Vaccine Hesitancy Resources

For Questions about: Alternative/Delayed Schedules & Getting Multiple Vaccines at Once  

  • Dr. Paul Offit and Charlotte A. Moser: The Problem with Dr Bob's Alternative Vaccine Schedule
  • California Immunization Coalition: Alternative Vaccine Schedules: Helping Parents Separate Fact from Fear 
  • Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: Too Many Vaccines?: What you should know (English / Spanish)
  • Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: Recommended Immunization Schedule: What you should know (English / Spanish)
  • CDC: The Childhood Immunization Schedule
  • CDC: Multiple Vaccines and the Immune System
  • Immunize Nevada with Dr. Vanessa Slots: Alternate Vaccines Schedules – What’s the big deal? (NILE Webinar)
  • Immunize Nevada with Johan C Bester, MBChB, PhD - Can't I just rely on herd immunity? Why measles vaccination is always best for children (NILE Webinar)

For Questions about: Vaccine Ingredients

  • Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: Aluminum in Vaccines: What you should know
  • Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: Vaccine Ingredients: What you should know (English / Spanish)
  • CDC: Understanding Thimerosal, Mercury, and Vaccine Safety

For Questions about: Vaccine Safety

Healthcare Professional Resources

  • Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: Vaccine Safety: Immune System and Health
  • Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: Vaccine Safety: Dosing Safety
  • U.S. Food & Drug Administration: Vaccine Product Approval Process
  • California Immunization Coalition: Vaccine Safety: 10 Facts for Medical Assistants
  • CDC: Understanding MMR Vaccine Safety
  • CDC: Ensuring the Safety of Vaccines in the United States
  • Immunization Action Coalition: Vaccine Safety

Patient/Parent Resources

  • CDC: Understanding MMR Vaccine Safety
  • CDC: Ensuring the Safety of Vaccines in the United States
  • U.S. Food & Drug Administration: Vaccine Product Approval Process
  • Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: Vaccine Safety: Immune System and Health
  • Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: Vaccine Safety: Dosing Safety
  • National Academy of Sciences: Vaccines are Safe

For Questions about: Autism

  • Autism Science Foundation: Autism and Vaccines
  • Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: Vaccines and Autism (English / Spanish)
  • Immunization Action Coalition: MMR Vaccine Does Not Cause Autism - Examine the evidence!

For Questions about: HPV

For Questions about: Pregnant Patients and Vaccines

Healthcare Professional Resources

  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Seasonal Influenza
  • CDC: Responding to Influenza: A Toolkit for Prenatal Care Providers

Patient Resources

  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: Frequently Asked Questions for Pregnant Women Concerning Tdap Vaccination (English / Spanish)
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: Frequently Asked Questions for Pregnant Women Concerning Flu Vaccination (English / Spanish)
  • CDC: Pregnancy & Vaccination

For Questions about: Adult Immunization

For Questions about: Flu

Healthcare Professional Resources

Patient Resources

  • CDC: Misconceptions about Seasonal Flu and Flu Vaccines
  • CDC: What’s New for the 2018-2019 Flu Season?
  • Harvard Health: 10 Flu Myths
  • CDC: Multi-Language Seasonal Flu Factsheets

For Questions about: Infant Immunization

Healthcare Professional Resources

  • CDC: Talking with Parents about Vaccines for Infants

Parent Resources

  • CDC: Infant Immunizations FAQs
  • Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: Vaccines and Your Baby (Video)

For Questions about: Religion & Vaccines

  • Institute for Vaccine Safety: Religion and Vaccines
  • Immunize California: Religious Views of Vaccination At-A-Glance

General Vaccine Hesitancy Resources

For Healthcare Professionals

  • American Academy of Pediatrics: Vaccine Hesitant Parents
  • American Academy of Pediatrics: Challenging Cases: Vaccine Hesitancy (Free Online Course)
  • American Academy of Pediatrics: Common Parental ​​​Concerns (includes “too much, too soon”, non-standard immunization schedules, vaccine ingredients and autism, among other topics)
  • CDC: Preparing for Vaccine Questions Parents May Ask
  • CDC/Medscape with Nancy Messonnier, M.D., CAPT (Retired), USPHS : Vaccine Communication with Parents: Best Practices (Video)
  • Immunity Community: Talking about Vaccines
  • American Academy of Pediatrics: “Refusal to Vaccinate” form
  • Immunize Nevada with Dr. Vanessa Slots: Navigating Vaccine Hesitancy (NILE Webinar)

For Parents

  • Immunity Community: Plain Talk about Childhood Immunization
  • Khan Academy: Infectious Diseases (Videos)
  • CDC: Get The Picture: Child Immunizations (Video)
  • Understanding Vaccines

For Questions about: Finding Reputable Immunization Education Resources

  • Immunization Action Coalition: Reliable Sources of Immunization Information: Where Parents Can Go to Find Answers
  • Vaccinate Your Family: Credible Websites for Vaccine Information and Resources (English / Spanish)

Good Source vs. Bad Source: Ways Parents/Patients Can Properly Evaluate Credible Online Health Information

  • Immunization Action Coalition: Evaluating Online Health Information
  • New York State Department of Health: Evaluating Reliable Vaccine Resources
  • University of California San Francisco: Evaluating Health Information

Organization Mailing  AddressPO Box 9090, Reno NV 89507


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© Immunize Nevada


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