2016 Meeting Recap & Highlights

Thank You for Joining Us!

Thank you for joining the Immunize Nevada partners for our monthly community meetings in 2016. Please see the information shared at the meetings below. 

About The Community Meeting:

Immunize Nevada holds a general community meeting on the first Thursday of every month from 8:30 - 10am. Attendees are welcome to arrive at 8am for networking and refreshments. Each meeting features updates from the Nevada State Immunization Program, Partner News, Networking and an Educational Presentation. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with local partners, exchange ideas and learn about vaccine & health related topics.

December Holiday Parties

Thank you for joining us at the Holiday Parties held on the dates below.  We enjoyed celebrating a year of hard work, dedication and our flu heroes! 

Las Vegas: December 1st - 4-6pm
Community Conference Room
1050 E. Flamingo Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89119

Reno: December 8th - 3-5pm
275 Hill Street, Reno, NV 89501

November Meeting Recap

  • Speakers:
    • Fundraising Presenters: Our presenters shared insights on two fundraising season cornerstones - the annual appeal and Giving Tuesday.
      • Las Vegas: Scott Emerson, Regional COO/Executive Director, Utah/Nevada Region American Red Cross
      • Reno: Joan Griswold, Corporate Development Officer, Food Bank of Northern Nevada
    • 2015 Nevada State Immunization Rates: The State Immunization Program gave an overview of the 2015 immunization rates and how they compare to previous years.
      • Las Vegas: Teneale Chapton, Senior Public Health Advisor, Center for Disease Control and Prevention
      • Reno: Glenn Witt, VFC Program Manager, Nevada State Immunization Program
        • ​Presentation
  • ​​​View the November Meeting Report
  • View the November Agenda

November Partner Updates & Announcements

  • Immunize Nevada is proud to celebrate our Nevada Flu Heroes during National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW), December 4-10. We are looking for your nominations to recognize individuals, companies, and organizations who have gone above and beyond to overcome barriers to accessing the flu vaccine through outreach, education, projects, and policies. Please complete the nomination survey by November 23rd.
  • Partners & Coalition Members are asked to share their feedback on the community meetings survey so we can plan for 2017. 
  • The SNHD's Adult Immunization Program is excited to share they have had four clinics, 97 clients served and 248 vaccines administered!
  • The Healthcare Guidance Program shared their referral policy of contact the referred client within 24 hours of receiving the referral. Once contact has been made, the referring agency will be notified.
  • The State Immunization Program is hiring an Adult Immunization Coordinator. 
  • WCHD, The State Immunization Program & Immunize Nevada are collaborating on 15 school located vaccine clinics that have been progressing well. 

October Meeting Recap

  • Speakers:
    • Advocacy Presenters: The theme for the month of October is advocacy. We highlighted two partners who engage in advocacy campaigns as examples and inspiration for tactics for our coalition partners to expand advocacy in their own work.
      • Las Vegas: The Nevada Disability Advocacy & Law Center offered examples of advocacy in their ongoing work to ensure that people with disabilities live in safe and humane conditions and are free from any type of abuse or neglect.
      • Reno: SOS Washoe shared examples of their grassroots and community-wide strategy to increase awareness of WC-1, a ballot question designed to fund the capital needs of Washoe County schools.
        • Presentation
    • Las Vegas: Jenny Prophete and Selam Ayele, UNLV Public Health Students presented their process and findings of their parent survey conducted at back to school clinics analyzing barriers to vaccine access in southern Nevada.
      • Presentation
    • Reno: Immunize Nevada shared information on an exciting, new community event that will be held in conjunction with the City of Sparks to bring people together, raise awareness on immunizations and generate funds for Immunize Nevada’s work in the community.
      • Presentation
      • Video
  • View the October Meeting Report
  • View the October Agenda

October Partner Updates & Announcements

  • Check-out what you can do to be anti-flu with the 2016/17 Flu Campaign.
  • HealthInsight's Annual Conference will be held Nov. 1 in Las Vegas and Nov. 3 in Reno.
  • THNK Nevada is hosting a Family Skate Night for Las Vegas PRIDE on October 17th
  • The Nevada Institute for Children's Research & Policy is hosting the American Dream In Crisis with Dr. Robert Putnam on 10/17. Register Here.
  • Flu Timing Facts: Review this page from the CDC on Flu Misconceptions. Page down to the timing section for details on flu shot timing.

September Meeting Recap

  • Speakers:
    • Brian Finlayson, Senior Public Health Manager, Sanofi Pasteur: Flu Mortality Among Children: Brian shared how serious the flu can be for the health of children in our communities with the latest data on how flu morbidity and mortality rates compare to other childhood vaccine-preventable diseases. View the slides to brush up on your flu facts so you can encourage your clients and constituents to get the flu shot!
      • Flu Mortality Slides
    • 2016-2017 Flu Campaign: Learn about the special initiatives the Immunize Nevada Flu Task Force is planning to roll out for flu season, and get a sneak peek at the new flu materials.
      • View the 2016-2017 Flu Campaign One-Pager
      • Visit inFLUenceNevada.org for flu resources and partner toolkits
      • View upcoming community flu clinics on the Immunize Nevada Calendar
      • Submit events and requests for flu clinics to
      • Nevada Influenza Deaths^ and Hospitalizations*: Influenza Season begins October (MMWR Week 40) to Mid-May (MMWR Week 20).
        • Pediatric Influenza Deaths (<18 yo) - 4
        • Adult Influenza Deaths (>=18 yo) - 30
        • Influenza Hospitalizations - 489

          *Reported to Office of Public Health Informatics and Epidemiology from each Jurisdiction.
          ^The Influenza associated mortality are those deaths that occurred for which influenza was listed as the underlying or contributing cause of death
  • View the September Meeting Report
  • View the September Meeting Agenda

September Partner Announcements & Updates

  • The Southern Nevada Health District has purchased a mobile unit that they will be using for immunizations as soon as it is up and running.
  • Future Smiles has five schools with permanent locations, where they provide sealant, screening, varnish, and cleaning.  The organization hopes to provide services at 44 schools this year.
  • Health Insight's Annual Conferences will be held on November 1st in Las Vegas and November 3rd in Reno.
  • Walgreens has started providing flu vaccines at all of their locations for the 2016-2017 flu season. Please contact Melissa Shake to schedule southern Nevada community flu clinics - vouchers for free flu vaccines are available.
  • THNK Nevada is hosting a Family Skate Night for Las Vegas PRIDE on October 17th
  • Nevada State Immunization Program was recently awarded an HPV AFIX grant. VFC flu vaccines will soon be available for VFC providers and 317 vaccines will be available for adult outreach from health districts and community health nurses.
  • Community Health Alliance's new location is Sparks is open. Keep an eye out for the open house invitation to be coming soon.
  • Flu shots for seniors are available at Lockwood Senior Center

August Meeting Recap

  • Speakers:
    • Las Vegas:
      • Roseman University Clinical Service Program, Delos Jones, RN, MSN, Director of Clinical Resources, Roseman University - Henderson. Delos Jones shared Roseman University's Clinical Program's goals and activities. To inquire about placement of students with your organization, please contact Delos at .
      • Community Oriented Policing (C.O.P): Officer Matthew Shake, Southeast Area Command, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police. Officer Shake shared the proactive strategies Metro uses to reduce crime and engage citizens in creating safer communities. To connect with Metro for a community event, speaking opportunity or other initiative contact Officer Shake at
    • Reno:
      • Sun Smart - Skin Cancer Prevention: Kristen Power, Communications Director, Nevada Cancer Coalition. Kristen shared information on the importance of being sun smart and how to best prevent skin cancer.
        • Presentation
        • Video: How The Sun Sees You.
  • View the August Meeting Report
  • View the August Agenda

August Announcements & Partner Updates

  • August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM).  Check out our "7 Things You Can Do During NIAM" list.
  • Calling all Immunize Nevada partners and stakeholders to take the Annual Coalition Survey. We need your input to drive our statewide efforts. 
  • Sign on deadline for our MCV4 requirement for 7th grade entry letter is August 15th. Please message Heidi at to add your name or your organization's support to the letter.
  • 2016 Nevada Health Conference: October 17 - 18, 2016 at the Atlantis Casino Resort Spa in Reno, NV
    • Registration is open! Sign-up for the conference now through October 7th for online pre-registration.
    • Sponsor & Exhibitor Opportunities: Visit the sponsor and exhibitor page to view details, benefits and to sign-up. Deadline is Friday, Sept. 16.
  • Back To School Season is Here!
    • View links from July Meeting for flyers, calendar and more.
    • Please remind clients and families to check ages served and immunization provided at events when making referrals.
  • Current Giving Opportunities: We need your support to continue connecting people with immunization resources. Contact Betsy at or 702-529-4712 for more information.
    • Health Conference Sponsor & Exhibitor
    • Flu Campaign Contributions
    • Back To School Sponsorships
  • Prevent Child Abuse Nevada is holding a free family event at Downtown Container Park "Calling All Super Heroes."  To sign-up as a vendor contact

July Meeting Recap

  • Speakers:
    • Nevada Adult Immunization Partnership & Improvement Project: The Nevada State Immunization Program will provide an overview of the scope, goals, and activities of its grant-funded project on adult immunization, including progress to date and how you can be involved.
      • Reno: Stephanie Klapstein, Adult Immunization Coordinator, Nevada State Immunization Program, Nevada Division of Public & Behavioral Health
      • Las Vegas: Karissa L Loper, MPH, Immunization Program Manager, Nevada State Immunization Program, Division of Public and Behavioral Health
        • Presentation
    • Reno: Lily Davalos, Results of the Adult Immunization Provider Survey: Lily will provide an overview of the findings from the recent provider survey on adult immunization practices, including implications and next steps.
      • Presentation
    • Las Vegas: Heather Lazarakis, Social Services Manager III, Division of Health Care Financing & Policy: Medicaid Listening Session: Heather will give an overview of the effort to gather input on shifting Medicaid Services to Managed Care, and collect feedback from our partners.
      • Presentation
  • View the July Meeting Report
  • View the July Agenda

July Announcements & Partner Updates

  • It's Back To School Season!  Visit the Immunize Nevada Calendar for info on events. Please check ages and insurance status served when refering people to events.
    • Back To School Flyers:
      • Northern Nevada Events: English & Spanish
      • Southern Nevada Events: English and Spanish
        Don't Wait Vaccinate: English & Spanish
    • Back To School Resources:
  • 2016 Nevada Health Conference: October 17 - 18, 2016 at the Atlantis Casino Resort Spa in Reno, NV
    • Registration is open! Sign-up for the conference asap to take advantage of early bird and advanced registration rates. 
    • Sponsor & Exhibitor Opportunities: Visit the sponsor and exhibitor page to view details, benefits and to sign-up. Deadline is Friday, Sept. 16.
  • Webinar 8/18 11am-12pm - Adult Immunization: Standing Order Protocols: To mark the beginning of flu shot season, HealthInsight is pleased to host this learning opportunity with a nationally recognized expert. Please join us for a FREE, interactive webinar featuring Litjen (L.J.) Tan, MS, PhD, chief strategy officer of the Immunization Action Coalition, on the use of standing orders for immunizations. Register Here. 
  • What's Going On With The Nasal FluMist Vaccine? (Download) or Online Link Article by Tara Haelle.
  • Ways to support (Download) or Online Link. LCB File No. R052-16 to add protection against Neisseria meningitides to Nevada’s school entry immunization requirements for incoming 7th graders. It’s scheduled to be reviewed at the September 9, 2016 Nevada State Board of Health meeting.

June Meeting Recap

  • Speakers:
    • Reno: Elicia Torres, Program Manager, Nevada Primary Care Association: Elicia gave an overview of Nevada Primary Care Association's role in Nevada, The Office of Adolescent Health's efforts to invest in capacity building for community health centers nationally and NVPCA's approach to implementing teen pregnancy prevention in Nevada.
      • Presentation Slides
    • Las Vegas: Anne Scully, Health Educator II, Southern Nevada Health District: Anne gave an overview of the Teen Pregnancy & STI/HIV prevention efforts in Clark County.
      • Presentation Slides
  • Nevada Health Conference: October 17-18, 2016 in Reno, Nevada - Atlantis Casino Resort
    • Sponsor & Exhibitor opportunities are now available. View opportunities and sign-up here. 
    • Call for speakers extended to Friday June 17th. Review guidelines and submit here. 
    • Registration for conference is open!  Early-bird rates available through July 15th! Register here.
  • Back To School: 
    • The Back To School Immunization Effort is in need of funding. View sponsorship opportunities here. 
    • "Don't Wait...Vaccinate" Flyer available for distribution.  Event flyers to be available mid-June.
    • View Immunize Nevada's event calendar for a full listing of events.
  • View the June Meeting Report
  • View the June Agenda 

June Announcements & Partner Updates

  • Community Health Alliance has opened their Sparks Health Center.  Details on their temporary location can be found here. 
  • Southwest Medical Associates is holding a back to school fair and shot clinic at their location in 5580 W. Flamingo Rd on August 6th.
  • Protect Your Pregnancy Zika Handout now available.
    • English
    • Spanish
    • Tagalog

May Meeting Recap

  • Speakers:    
    • Reno: Medicaid Listening Session: Elizabeth Aiello, Deputy Administrator, Division of Health Care Financing & Policy gave an overview of their effort to gather input on shifting Medicaid Services to Managed Care, and collected feedback from our partners.
      • Materials From Session:
        • ​Presentation Slides
        • More in-depth information on the MCOs is available at:
          • Amerigroup
          • Health Plan of Nevada 
        • The most recent Network Adequacy Report
        • Other general MCO program data
    • Las Vegas: Tina Drago, CEO First Person Complete Care will give an update on exciting happenings at First Person Complete Care Clinics.
      • http://firstpersoncc.org/
  • Back To School Planning
    • View the Back to School Summer Outreach Plans for Northern Nevada and Southern Nevada.
    • As events are confirmed, details will be posted on the Immunize Nevada Calendar and included in a flyer to be available mid-June.
    • Please send outreach and clinic events to .

May Partner Updates

  • Community Health Alliance (CHA): A new clinic location is opening in Sparks. Open date and address of the location will be shared with partners as details are finalized. This will mark the seventh clinic location for CHA.
  • Children’s Health Institute – Renown: Housing Forum to take place on May 25
  • Family Health Fest: The next Family Health Fest will take place May 25 in Reno and will have a senior focus, which means vendors will provide information and services for our senior populations.
  • Carson City Health and Human Services: Two adolescent-focused immunization clinics will be offered to Carson City and Douglas County students. May 14 – Douglas County Clinic location. May 21 – Carson City clinic location. More information can be found at http://gethealthycarsoncity.org/.
    • Additionally, the Carson City Health Officer is working closely with CCHHS to get all school-aged children up-to-date on their immunizations before the next school year.
  • Nevada WebIZ: VFC online ordering is now available and working great. Returns for VFC is also up and running and turnaround can be expected day of submission.
  • Merck: On May 17 Merck is hosting an HPV-focused dinner at Wild River Grill in Reno. If you are interested in attending, contact Deanna at . 
  • Nevada Statewide MCH Coalition Spring Symposium: Join us for a day of collaboration and education aimed at improving child health outcomes in Nevada taking place in Las Vegas and Reno. CE credits available. Register here. 
  • National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day on May 5th: Visit the website for child mental health resources and activites to support child mental health all month long.
  • Positively Kids New School Based Clinic:  The Bailey Middle School Clinic opened recently. View the press release here. 
  • VEGAS Inc 2016 Health Care Headliners: Congratulations to the Health Care Headliners - many of whom are Immunize Nevada Coalition members and supporters!  View the honorees here. 
  • Southern Nevada Community Health Assessment: SNHD requests your help to review the draft Community Health Assessment.  Please review the draft document and complete the survey linked within the document with your feedback on the draft by May 16th.
  • HPN Summer Clinic on 7/9: Health Plan of Nevada is sponsoring a back to school clinic on July 9th at Little Flower Chruch in Reno. Visit the event calendar posting for more details. 

April Meeting Recap

  • Speakers: The theme for April's meeting was Infant Health with speakers sharing the challenges and support available for new parents and infants in southern Nevada and northern Nevada.
    • Kim Amato, Founder & Board President, Baby's Bounty.
    • Pam Russel, Executive Director, Women & Children's Center of the Sierra
  • View the April Meeting Agenda.
  • View the April Meeting Report.

Highlights of the April Update

  • Documents & Links Shared at the Meeting:
    • Silver Syringe:
      • Sponsor A Winner's Seat for a $50 donation through the end of April
    • National Infant Immunization Week - 4/16 - 4/22
      • Social Media Storm
      • NIIW Thunderclap
      • Top 5 Ways to Support NIIW in Nevada
    • ​Immunize Nevada Partners:
      • Statewide Community Needs Assessment: Public Forums
      • Join the Adult Immunization Task Force
    • Fundraising:

Partner Updates

  • April Events:  
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