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Speak up to Prevent Meningitis

Nevada currently requires the Tdap vaccine for 7th grade entry, and the MCV4 vaccine is recommended to be administered at the same visit. Unfortunately, national studies show that 86% of adolescent patients who were in the office for a “vaccine-only” visit did not receive their first dose of MCV4 along with other age-recommended vaccines. Of those who contract meningococcal disease, 10 to 15% die. Among those who survive, as many as 20% (1 in 5) live with permanent disabilities. Vaccination offers the best protection against meningococcal disease! Immunization requirements for children entering childcare facilities and schools results in high childhood and adolescent immunization coverage levels. Therefore, LCB File No. R052-16 aims to add protection against Neisseria meningitides to Nevada’s school entry immunization requirements for incoming 7th graders.

  • Sign on to Immunize Nevada’s letter of support. You can sign on as an individual and/or an organization. Please send your information to and include a logo if available. Due date: August 15.
  • Submit your own letter of support. Email for a template to use and contact information. Due date to Board of Health: August 22.;
  • Promote and share pro-vaccine messages on social media about the importance of meningitis vaccination. Follow the Immunize Nevada and National Meningitis Association pages for posts to share.
  • Share to help answer questions parents might have about meningococcal disease and preventing it through vaccination.
  • Share Immunize Nevada’s Meningitis playlist on YouTube ( Short videos are available from survivors and those that have lost loved ones to this disease.

National Meningitis Association:
Immunization Action Coalition:
Immunize Nevada:

Heidi Parker, MA

Heidi Parker, MA

As executive director of Immunize Nevada, Heidi Parker, MA leads and engages a diverse coalition of staff, volunteers, member organizations and funders so they are passionate about vaccines and access to preventive health care across Nevada’s rural, urban and frontier communities. Bringing over two decades of experience in nonprofit program management, fundraising and marketing, she has dedicated her career to being able to affect her community in a positive way, whether working with Head Start families, victims of violence, college students or Nevadans needing immunizations.