2012 Nevada Health Conference Presentations

Karen Allen, RN, BS, CPHQ
Emergency Preparedness Planner, Carson City Health and Human Services (CCHHS)

TOPIC: Collaboration: Major Component for Successful Vaccination Programs
The H1N1 crisis taught many valuable lessons in public health. Working with community stakeholders early in planning to provide H1N1 vaccine to priority groups within a tri-county area (Carson City, Douglas and Lyon Counties) proved to be a successful model during the crisis and a best practice since.  As a result of CCHHS’s successful efforts and collaboration with community partners, CCHHS now administers various vaccines in a variety of venues, including schools, daycare facilities, businesses and public health clinics and Point of Dispensing (POD) sites.

Christopher (CJ) Bawden
Communications Officer, Silver State Health Insurance Exchange

TOPIC: The Affordable Care Act ( ACA) and a State Based Exchange in Nevada
The unknowns of the ACA have many Nevada providers wondering the impact of preventive health measures and anticipated changes to Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement. Although many factors are unknown, the ACA offers key preventive health benefits in all sectors. The ACA is an opportunity for providers, especially those in preventive healthcare, to collaborate and build partnerships for a healthier community. This course will provide a brief overview of some major changes made to the insurance market by the ACA and the progress Nevada is making in establishing a State Based Exchange.


Barbara Bonnet, RN, CPHQ
Quality Improvement Manager, Saint Mary's Health Plans

TOPIC: Health IT Impact on Immunization and HEDIS Rates
The role of effective and efficient use of technology, and the importance of continuity and coordination can help improve immunization rates.  This course focuses on immunization-based strategies and resources for healthcare providers and their practices. Discussion will include an overview of recommended immunization schedules, HEDIS immunization measures, information on coding of immunizations, and resources available to assist providers and their offices on improving immunization rates. It will also provide an overview of the ARRA HITECH Act and the Affordable Care Act (ACA), examine their differences, and explore how they complement each other. In addition the key benefits of total electronic management of health information for enhanced care coordination will be identified, and how electronic health records (EHRs) and electronic health information exchange (HIE) can help improve vaccination rates and reduce over-immunizations will be covered.

Tonya Chaffee, MD, MPH, FAAP
Director of Teen and Young Adult Health Center, University of California, San Francisco

TOPIC: Update on Adolescent Vaccines: Next Steps Towards Prevention
While they may be immune to taking out the trash and making their beds, adolescents are not immune to several vaccine-preventable diseases.  This course addresses the successes and challenges to immunizing adolescents and how to help adolescents and their families make informed decisions about vaccines.

Zubin Damania, MD
Director of Healthcare Development, Downtown Project

TOPIC: Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy
Getting the message out about the importance of immunizing is no laughing matter, but Dr. Damania’s approach to engaging the public about vaccines blends humor and creativity to address important topics such as vaccine hesitancy. Join Dr. Damania as he shares his success stories about using the power of humor to relate to patients about vaccine adoption.

Tracey Green, MD
State Health Officer and Medical Director For The Division Mental Health and Developmental Services, Nevada State Health Division

TOPIC: Business Meeting for the Nevada Statewide Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Coalition featuring Tracey D. Green, MD, State Health Officer
This is an open meeting that the Maternal and Child Health Coalition invite and encourage Coalition Members and any other individual to attend.

Amanda Harris
WebIZ Manager, Nevada State Immunization Program

TOPIC:  Changes in Immunization Technology (Nevada WebIZ- Moving into Tomorrow)
Nevada WebIZ has evolved into an effective tool for providers and parents alike to accurately track immunizations and measure rates. The momentum continues moving forward as Nevada’s immunization registry rolls into its next phase. This course offers attendees an explanation of the importance of HL7 electronic data exchange and the major role it will play in the future of immunization and other health records, steps for preparing an immunization practice to implement HL7 data exchange, the status of HL7 data exchange development in Nevada WebIZ, as well as an overview of the registry’s current and future plans for development and use.

Judy Henderson, MEd
Coordinator Education and Outreach, Nevada Network Against Domestic Violence (NNADV)

TOPIC: Intimate Partner Violence as a Public Health Priority
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a serious, preventable public health problem that affects millions of Americans. The term "intimate partner violence" describes physical, sexual, or psychological harm by a current or former partner or spouse. This presentation will provide an overview of components of an abusive relationship and provide tools, strategies and resources to conduct assessments, interventions and documentation of intimate partner violence for medical and dental settings. Participants will also learn how to make appropriate referrals to community-based advocacy programs.

Rachel Herlihy, MD, MPH
Immunization Section Chief, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

TOPIC #1:  Alternative Immunization Schedules and Vaccine Hesitancy
Despite the recommendations of the CDC, American Academy of Pediatrics and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, many of us have encountered parents who have developed their own vaccine schedules. We know that alternative models put babies and children at risk of contracting vaccine-preventable diseases. This presentation will describe "alternative" immunization schedules including delayed and selective schedules, where these schedules originated and the harm associated with alternative schedules. Common parental concerns and myths about immunizations will also be covered, as well as strategies for talking to vaccine-hesitant parents. 

TOPIC #2: TOPIC: Immunizing Healthcare Workers: Mandatory Influenza Immunization Implementation
As healthcare providers, we don’t always follow our own recommendations, especially when it comes to getting routine immunizations like a seasonal influenza vaccination. Representatives from Colorado will describe their experience in developing a state requirement for healthcare workers  to get an annual flu vaccine.

Vivian Jackson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Senior Policy Associate, National Center for Cultural Competence, Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development

TOPIC:  The Role of Cultural and Linguistic Competence in Addressing Disparities in Health and Mental Health Care
Cultural and ethnic competence has gained attention as a strategy for improving quality and eliminating disparities in healthcare. This presentation will focus on the relationship between cultural and linguistic competence in addressing disparities in healthcare or mental healthcare for culturally diverse children and youth with special health needs who have mental health challenges as their primary challenge or concurrently with other health challenges. It will provide attention to a variety of cultural groups such as those defined by race, ethnicity, language, religion, geography and sexual orientation. It will introduce strategies at the provider system (including, health, mental health, school, child welfare systems) and community level that can be applied to tackle disparities in access, utilization and outcomes.

Renée Jenkins, MD
Professor, Howard University College of Medicine

CLOSING KEYNOTE: Building Medical Homes Through Partnerships
Dr. Jenkins will present closing comments on the integration of goals of health promotion and disease prevention for children and the goals of a successful immunization program.

A medical home is not a building, house or hospital, but rather an approach to providing healthcare services in a high-quality and cost-effective manner. Primary care providers, families and allied healthcare professionals act as partners in a medical home to identify and access all the medical and non-medical services needed to help children and their families achieve their maximum potential. Immunization rates are highly correlated with completion of other routine preventive services and screening.  Collaboration between public health and private practice providers strengthen the ability to secure high quality outcomes for all children and adolescents.

Steve Kutz, RN, MPH
Community and Clinical Health Services Division Director, Washoe County Health District

TOPIC:  Nevada State Laws and School Requirements
Immunizations schedules are complicated. Couple that with laws regulating immunizations, and then add in school requirements, and mass chaos can ensue! In this presentation participants will learn about applicable Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) and Nevada Administrative Codes (NAC) that pertain to immunizations, and in particular impact schools and their requirements. Requirements versus recommendations will also be discussed, as well as resources for those in the trenches, for help when you need it. 

Trudy Larson, MD
Director, School of Community Health Sciences, University of Nevada, Reno

TOPIC: The What, How and Why of Adolescent Vaccination
If you’ve ever worked with adolescents, you may know that motivating this group (and their parents) to do anything can be a challenge. Obtaining vaccinations is no different. As adolescent immunization recommendations change regularly, this group continues to miss getting vaccinated in a timely manner. In addition, both parent and adolescent perceptions about vaccinations result in delayed or denied vaccine administration putting adolescents at risk for life threatening diseases such as HPV and meningococcal meningitis. This course offers providers an update on important adolescent immunizations as well as strategies for addressing concerns.

Holly Lyman
Director, Barbara Greenspun WomensCare Centers & Community Outreach – St. Rose Dominican Hospital

TOPIC: Business Meeting for the Nevada Statewide Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Coalition featuring Tracey D. Green, MD, State Health Officer
This is an open meeting that the Maternal and Child Health Coalition invites and encourages Coalition Members and any other individuals to attend.

Shaji Matthew, MD, PhD, FAAP
Pediatrician, Summit Pediatrics

TOPIC: Panel: Real Life Stories – A Pediatrician’s Perspective on Impediments to Effective Vaccinations
The Real Life Stories panel offers conference attendees a look into the everyday lives of four individuals whose lives have been dramatically altered by vaccine-preventable diseases. A couple reflects back on the loss of their newborn to pertussis; a young woman tells the story of her battle with meningitis; and a pediatrician discusses the barriers and solutions he faces daily with vaccine-hesitant parents.

Colleen Morris, MD, FAAP
Professor and Chief, Genetics and Dysmorphology Section, University of Nevada School of Medicine- Department of Pediatrics, Las Vegas

TOPIC: Guiding the Identification of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: A Tool for School Personnel, Providers, Care Coordinators, and Counselors
Students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) have special learning needs and a wide range of behavioral issues. The workshop topic will focus on the screening and diagnostic methods used to identify FASD as well training for professionals to understand how best to help individuals and families affected by FASD especially within the school system.

Gwen Navarrete
WebIZ Trainer, Nevada State Immunization Program—WebIZ

TOPIC: How to Best Integrate Immunization Registries (WebIZ) into your Practice
Though required by law, it may feel like using Nevada WebIZ (our statewide immunization registry) could be extra work for your office, but it doesn’t have to be that way! We will show you how to make full use of Nevada WebIZ, including the potential to generate additional revenue for your office. Nevada WebIZ is an amazing tool that can support your patients’ care while helping you to comply with state and federal vaccine laws and requirements. This workshop will teach you how best to integrate Nevada WebIZ into the daily routine of your practice. Succeed with Nevada WebIZ!

Lynn O’Mara, MBA
State Health IT Coordinator, Nevada Department of Health and Human Services

TOPIC: Health IT Impact on Immunization and HEDIS Rates
The role of effective and efficient use of technology, and the importance of continuity and coordination can help improve immunization rates.  This course focuses on immunization-based strategies and resources for healthcare providers and their practices. Discussion will include an overview of recommended immunization schedules, HEDIS Immunization measures, information on coding of immunizations, and resources available to assist providers and their offices on improving immunization rates. It will also provide an overview of the ARRA HITECH Act and the Affordable Care Act (ACA), examine their differences, and explore how they complement each other. In addition the key benefits of total electronic management of health information for enhanced care coordination will be identified, and how electronic health records (EHRs) and electronic health information exchange (HIE) can help improve vaccination rates and reduce over-immunizations will be covered.

Janet Osalvo
WebIZ Trainer, Nevada State Immunization Program—WebIZ

TOPIC: How to Best Integrate Immunization Registries (WebIZ) into your Practice
Though required by law, it may feel like using Nevada WebIZ (our statewide immunization registry) could be extra work for your office, but it doesn’t have to be that way! We will show you how to make full use of Nevada WebIZ, including the potential to generate additional revenue for your office. Nevada WebIZ is an amazing tool that can support your patients’ care while helping you to comply with state and federal vaccine laws and requirements. This workshop will teach you how best to integrate Nevada WebIZ into the daily routine of your practice. Succeed with Nevada WebIZ!

Ken Owens, BA
WebIZ Trainer, Nevada State Immunization Program—WebIZ

TOPIC: How to Best Integrate Immunization Registries (WebIZ) into your Practice
Though required by law, it may feel like using Nevada WebIZ (our statewide immunization registry) could be extra work for your office, but it doesn’t have to be that way! We will show you how to make full use of Nevada WebIZ, including the potential to generate additional revenue for your office. Nevada WebIZ is an amazing tool that can support your patients’ care while helping you to comply with state and federal vaccine laws and requirements. This workshop will teach you how best to integrate Nevada WebIZ into the daily routine of your practice. Succeed with Nevada WebIZ!

Kathryn Riffenburg and Jonathon Alcaide
Parent Advocates, Every Child By Two

TOPIC: Panel: Real Life Stories – One Family’s Loss
The Real Life Stories panel offers conference attendees a look into the everyday lives of four individuals whose lives have been dramatically altered by vaccine-preventable diseases. A couple reflects back on the loss of their newborn to pertussis; a young woman tells the story of her battle with meningitis; and a pediatrician discusses the barriers and solutions he faces daily with vaccine-hesitant parents.

John Schlitt, MSW
Vice President, Policy and Government Affairs, National Assembly on School-Based Health Care

TOPIC: School-Based Heath Centers: A National Update
More and more families are relying on school-based health centers to meet their healthcare needs. This presentation features a national overview of the school-based health center movement, including its history, politics, growth, finance models for sustainability, and current trends affecting the field.  The interactive session will explore the opportunities and challenges for advancing the concept in Nevada, as well as advocacy and communication strategies to succeed in building a political base of support. 

Erin Seward, MPH
Immunization Program Manager, Nevada State Health Division

TOPIC: State of the State: Current Status on Nevada's Immunization Program
The Nevada State Immunization Program (NSIP) is a progressive, dynamic and fast-paced program of the Nevada State Health Division. Working closely with the state’s immunization coalitions, Immunize Nevada and the Southern Nevada Immunization and Health Coalition, immunization rates in Nevada are improving. Join NSIP’s leader to learn about the current status of the NSIP including more about the recently published immunization rates, areas for improvement per vaccine, new projects, and 317 funding. 

Judy Shaw, EdD, MPH, RN, FAAP
Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Nursing, University of Vermont, College of Medicine

TOPIC #1: Bright Futures: How to Maximize Your Time as a Provider Utilizing the Bright Futures Tool and Resource Kit
Bright Futures uses a developmentally based approach to address children’s health needs in the context of family and community. Bright Futures is a set of principles, strategies, and tools that are theory-based, evidence-driven, and systems-oriented that can be used to improve the health and well-being of all children. To help achieve this, Bright Futures offers several resources and tools. This presentation is an introduction to Bright Futures Tool and Resource Kit. Using case-based hands on exercises, attendees will learn how to apply these tools to well child care visits

TOPIC #2: Bright Futures and Families: Preparing for Well Child Visits and Questions You Should Ask Your Provider
Many health professionals have found that providing Bright Futures materials promotes positive interaction with the families whose children are in their care. This presentation is an introduction to Bright Futures Parent resources and will offer case-based hands on exercises using parent tools in well child care visits. Links to the Bright Future Tool and Resources Kit will be presented and part of the hands on exercise.

Roberta Smith RN, MSPH, CIC
Manager, Occupational Health, Children’s Hospital Colorado

TOPIC: Immunizing Healthcare Workers: Mandatory Influenza Immunization Implementation
As healthcare providers, we don’t always follow our own recommendations, especially when it comes to getting routine immunizations like a seasonal influenza vaccination. Representatives from Colorado will describe their experience in developing a state requirement for healthcare workers  to get an annual flu vaccine.

Mauro Torno, MD
Public Health Physician, Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services

TOPIC: Strategies for Improving Influenza Rates
This workshop will outline effective strategies for improving vaccination rates based on experiences drawn from an HIV specialty and primary care clinic. The hope is that lessons learned in this setting are also applicable to many other clinic settings in order to improve overall vaccination rates in the nation.    

Carlos Velazquez
Vice President of Community Engagement, HMA Associates, Inc.

TOPIC: Community Engagement Strategies to Reduce Influenza Vaccination Coverage Disparities
The need for a better understanding of how communication methods and vaccine distribution strategies affect minority communities is an important topic for all of us to consider. This presentation is a hands-on workshop that covers messaging and community engagement strategies for Hispanic, African American, and American Indian populations.

Debra Vigil, PhD
Associate Professor, NvLEND; University of Nevada Reno

TOPIC: Learn the Signs. Act Early. Nevada State Team
Learn the Signs. Act Early. (LTSAE) is promoted by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to educate parents, health care professionals, and childcare providers about developmental milestones and the importance of early identification and intervention for children with signs of autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities.  Last year LTSAE formed a Nevada State Team to administrate the CDC goals throughout the State of Nevada. This presentation will provide information regarding the LTSAE network across the country and the Nevada LTSAE State Team Initiative.

Abigail Wold
State Team Leader, Florida, Meningitis Angels

TOPIC: Panel: Real Life Stories – Meningococcal Disease and the Importance of Adolescent Vaccination Recommendations
The Real Life Stories panel offers conference attendees a look into the everyday lives of four individuals whose lives have been dramatically altered by vaccine-preventable diseases. A couple reflects back on the loss of their newborn to pertussis; a young woman tells the story of her battle with meningitis; and a pediatrician discusses the barriers and solutions he faces daily with vaccine-hesitant parents.

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