2016 Community Impact

2016 Highlights

As 2016 comes to a close, please join us in celebrating these great highlights from the past year!  Each accomplishment is a direct result of collaboration with our coalition of partners, volunteers, and funders. We are proud of the progress we have continued to make in promoting health and preventing disease across Nevada.

In 2016, Immunize Nevada committed to expanding programs, outreach, and services throughout the state, reaching every Nevada county. As a result, we were able to increase access to vaccines and expand immunization education to community members and healthcare professionals- an important focus for 2017 as well. With this expansion, the number of individuals reached increased dramatically, meeting our mission to foster education and statewide collaboration.

The Nevada Immunization Learning Exchange (NILE) monthly Webinars, 2016 Nevada Health Conference, Immunization 101, and other trainings available to healthcare professionals connected individuals with free or low-cost continuing education opportunities.


In 2016, Immunize Nevada expanded our volunteer program, introducing the “Street Team,” to southern Nevada- a group of dedicated individuals committed to preventing disease through increasing immunization access through outreach. We also grew our existing student internship program, expanding opportunities for students to interact with their community and receive real world experience in public health. The support of community volunteers and interns helped Immunize Nevada achieve a drastic increase in programs and services by providing support at events, on special projects, and administrative help.


2016 provided an opportunity to increase our immunization information campaigns through social media, ensuring all Nevadans have access to important health information. We expanded our digital outreach, increasing our followers by 38% in just one year.

In response to the 2016 Zika outbreak, and statewide campaigns like the Nevada Flu Vaccine Challenge, Immunize Nevada took an assertive and creative approach to using social media as a tool for raising awareness about immunizations and preventative health. The effort continues to achieve significant results in more followers, post shares, and impressions.

Through the support of our partners in crafting compelling messages, helping distribute materials, and donating to increase the reach of our efforts, we were able to expand the impact and effectiveness of our health information campaigns.


Through a strategy to provide more engaging, user-friendly content, and dynamic resources online; increasing the utilization of the websites managed by Immunize Nevada (immunizenevada.org, influencenevada.org & vfcnevada.org) was an important focus for 2016.

We developed strong partnerships with community members and healthcare professionals at our monthly Community Meetings, providing an opportunity for partners to network and gain insight into Immunize Nevada's mission and the work of our partners.

As we continue to expand our reach and serve as a trusted community resource for immunization and community health, we invite you to take advantage of the many ways to get involved with Immunize Nevada.
• Apply to join our board of directors
Volunteer in the office or at community events
• Participate on one of our mission-focused committees
Make a monthly donation that supports information and access to immunizations all year long.

The important work we do of promoting health and preventing disease is not possible without your support.

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