Recently Released Immunization Survey Shines Light on Nevada’s Teen Immunization Rates

CONTACT: David Pérez
Office: (702) 529-4712 | Cell: 775-742-7421


Recently Released Immunization Survey Shines Light on Nevada’s Teen Immunization Rates
A fluctuation in rates show positive improvements, still challenges lie ahead.

Nevada (Sept. 9, 2019) – Immunize Nevada and the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health, Nevada State Immunization Program announce the release of the 2018 National Immunization Survey (NIS-Teen). The survey explains improvements made on teen immunization rates over the past year and estimated vaccine coverage numbers nationally and for Nevada. This year, the survey shows an increase in human papillomavirus (HPV) immunization rates among U.S. and Nevada teen males.

The 2018 NIS-Teen Survey highlights a positive trend: Nevada teen males who are up-to-date on the HPV vaccination series increased by 7.4 percentage points compared to 2017 rates. However, HPV vaccination rates among females displayed a downward trend; Nevada teen females who are up-to-date on the HPV vaccination series decreased by 3.5 percentage points.

The percent of both Nevada teen males and females having received at least one (1) dose of the HPV vaccine series is at 66 percent, a 6.7 percentage point increase for males from 2017, but a 4.6 percentage point decrease for females.

The NIS-Teen Survey also reveals half Nevada’s teens are not fully protected against HPV-associated cancers. Two-thirds of teens have started the series; however, initiation alone does not provide the full amount of needed protection. One-third of Nevada teens have not started the series and have received no protection at all. This is concerning, because an estimated one (1) out of three (3) Nevada women diagnosed with cervical cancer die from this vaccine-preventable disease.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 34,800 cases of HPV-associated cancers occur each year and 92 percent of those cases are preventable by the 9-valent HPV vaccination series. Although HPV vaccination has resulted in large declines of HPV-associated infections and cancers among young adults, continuing to improve HPV vaccination coverage will ensure all adolescents are protected from HPV infections and associated cancers.

The NIS-Teen Survey additionally highlights the alarming trend of HPV vaccination rates being lower in Nevada’s rural and frontier communities when compared to their urban counterparts.

“The results of the 2018 NIS-Teen Survey demonstrate the great need for continued efforts to ensure all teens, regardless of gender or geographic location, are being vaccinated against HPV at the same time they get Tdap and MenACWY,” explains Heidi Parker, Executive Director of Immunize Nevada. “HPV Free NV is a collective effort that requires partnership between parents, healthcare professionals, and public health programs across Nevada.”

To combat the stagnant rates, we encourage all healthcare professionals to make effective vaccination recommendations to their patients who are 11 and 12 years old, and those up to 26 years, regardless of gender. CDC research has shown a strong provider recommendation from a trusted healthcare provider increases the likelihood of vaccination.

Parents and caretakers can also ask about the HPV vaccine when discussing regularly scheduled vaccine visits with a healthcare provider or family doctor. More information is available for parents at

Immunize Nevada is widely recognized as Nevada’s trusted resource for immunizations and community health for all ages by fostering education and statewide collaboration. Immunize Nevada’s vision is healthy communities across Nevada protected from vaccine-preventable disease. For more information, visit


Immunize Nevada

Immunize Nevada, an award winning 501c3 non profit, is widely recognized as Nevada’s trusted resource for immunizations and community health for all ages by fostering education and statewide collaboration.


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