Image courtesy of The Graphics Fairy
How to keep mom healthy

As a family medicine physician, I want to write this to give moms a concise guideline of what is recommended to keep you healthy for your families. The medical world can be difficult to navigate, so my goal is to give you a snapshot of what you need to do to make sure you are up to date! To be able to take care of your family, you’ve first got to take care of yourself!

Beat the Back to School Rush on Immunizations

The line at a back to school vaccine clinic last yearThe Nevada State Division of Public and Behavioral Health and Immunize Nevada encourage parents to get their school-age children immunized now to avoid long lines and extended wait times that may occur closer to the start of the 2015-2016 school year.

Measles Immunization Coverage Rates Increase in Nevada

Immunize Nevada recently shared an important statistic from the Nevada State Division of Public and Behavioral Health: According to data from Nevada WebIZ, MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) and MMR-V (measles, mumps, rubella, varicella) vaccination coverage rates jumped 23 percent in the first quarter of 2015, compared to the same period in 2014.

Officials attribute the increase, at least in part, to the high-profile measles outbreak that was linked to Disneyland, along with reported cases in Nevada and many other states between December 28, 2014 through April 24 of this year.