Jul 06, 2020

Immunize Nevada’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Brief

The impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread to affect our daily lives in Nevada, across the country, and beyond. In these hectic times, we strive to offer the most accurate and evidence-based information to ensure the health of Nevadans. As a nonprofit dedicated to promoting health and preventing disease, we encourage Nevadans to follow prevention practices and take the recommended steps outlined by the CDC, statewide health agencies, and the local health districts. Our individual actions now are vital in ensuring the health of Nevadans in the future.

Quick Links

Testing Information
Statewide Resources  
Nevada Health Link
Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation
Recursos comunitarios en Nevada en español
Public Health Resources 
Immunizing During COVID-19
Debunking Misinformation
Support Immunize Nevada and Small Businesses 
Statewide Support for Domestic Violence
For Parents


The following links provide up-to-date information from across the state and the CDC:

Centers for Disease Control COVID-19 Situation Summary
Nevada Health Response (Statewide information about COVID-19) 
VOX: The VOX Guide to Navigating the Coronavirus Crisis

Immunize Nevada COVID-19 YouTube Playlist

Carson City Health and Human Services
Washoe County Health District
Southern Nevada Health District
Elko County

All local health districts are monitoring Coronavirus (COVID-19) activity, we advise following their updates, along with state health department, and CDC recommendations. 

  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Put distance between yourself and others. Keep at least 6 feet between you and other people. Stay home as much as possible. Avoid shaking hands.
  • Follow the Governo'rs directive on face coverings. 
  • Practice everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses:
    • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
    • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
    • Cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
    • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Testing Information
Are you or a loved one experiencing symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Below is the contact information for local health districts and the designated hotline for Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing and treatment.

COVID-19 Test Site Finder.

Carson City Health and Human Services Hotline
Available Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M.-4:30 P.M.

Elko County COVID-19 Hotline
Available Monday-Friday 7 A.M.–7 P.M.
775-777-2507 or

Southern Nevada Health District COVID-19 Hotline
Available Monday-Friday 7 A.M.–7 P.M.

Washoe County Health District COVID-19 Hotline
Available Monday-Friday 8 A.M.-5 P.M.

Statewide Resources


The Nevada Independent- Resource Guide: Where to find food, cash assistance and other help during coronavirus outbreak
Statewide Resources during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Resources from the Office of Senator Catherine Coretz Masto, U.S. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto COVID-19 Resource Guide
Resources from Congresswoman Susie Lee 
Resources from Congressman Steven Horsford 
Health Plan of Nevada- COVID-19 Statewide Resources
Children's Advocacy Alliance - Coronavirus Resource Center for families and students 
Resources from the Office of Senator Jacky Rosen- COVID-19 Small Business Assistance 
Nevada 2-1-1: COVID-19/Coronavirus Emergency Resources
Nevada 2-1-1: Nevada COVID-19 Aging Network, Resources for Seniors  
Nevada 2-1-1 Mobile App Information: Apple App Store, Google Play Store
Medicare Rx Access Network of Nevada: COVID-19 Resource Guide 
#HopeMeansNevada: Mental health resources

Northern Nevada
The Downtown Reno Partnership- Stay Safe and Support Reno Businesses
This is Reno- COVID-19 Community Resources
United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra- COVID-19 Information & Resources
Reno-Sparks-Washoe Regional Information Center
Partnership Douglas County- Community Resources in Douglas County During COVID-19
Wash-oe Hands. A mutual aid group and relief fund for Washoe County residents.  
Delivering with Dignity: Reno-Sparks

Southern Nevada
Clark County- COVID-19 Updates and Resources 
Nevada Current- Community resources in Southern Nevada for people affected by coronavirus
United Way of Southern Nevada - Emergency Assistance and COVID-19 Resources  
County Commissioner Marilyn Kirkpatrick- COVID-19 Resources
United Citizens Foundation- No Cost Counseling Services
Vegas Strong- Mental Health Resources
Community Support for COVID-19 Patients 
Delivering with Dignity: Las Vegas

Nevada Health Link
Nevadans who experience a Qualifying Life Event (QLE) can newly enroll in a health plan through Nevada Health Link even outside the open enrollment period (Nov. 1 – Dec. 15). 
Learn more about reporting life & income changes outside of the open enrollment period 

Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation
Filing for Unemployment Insurance Benefits ENGLISH / ESPAÑOL 

Recursos comunitarios en Nevada en español
Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades: Información sobre Coronavirus (COVID-19)
El Coronavirus: Todo Lo Que Deben De Saber Los Latinos y Como Prepararse
Unidos US: Coronavirus COVID-19 
COVID-19 Health Literacy Project- Hojas informativas sobre coronavirus
Southern Nevada Health District: Información sobre precaución 
Washoe County Health District: Información sobre Coronavirus (COVID-19) 
Nevada Health Response: Para español, elija español en la parte inferior izquierda de la página donde dice "select language"
Caucus Legislativo Hispano de Nevada (NHLC): NHLC COVID-19 Información 
Senadora Catherine Cortez Masto- Guia de recursos COVID-19 
Apoyo comunitario para los pacientes de COVID-19 
Senadora Jacky Rosen- Guia de Recursos sobre el COVID-19 en Nevada
Esta En Tus Manos Nevada. Aquí encontrarás toda la información sobre dónde y cuándo puedes realizarte la prueba del COVID-19. Detengamos esta pandemia juntos y salvemos a quienes más importan.


Public Health Resources
Research America- Coronavirus Resources 
Trust for America's Health- TFAH's Portal of COVID-19 Resources 
American Public Health Association- COVID-19 Resources 
American Public Health Association- Responding to COVID-19: A Science Based Approach, webinars and trainings 
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO): COVID-19: Simple Answers to Top Questions 
Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease: COVID-19 Informational Resources for High-Risk Groups 
MoveOn.org-Democracy in Action: Coronavirus Resource Hub


Immunizing During COVID-19
CDC: Information for Pediatric Healthcare Providers
American Academy of Pediatrics: COVID-19 Clinical Guidance Q&A
What to Expect: Well-baby visits during the coronavirus outbreak: is it still safe to go?
SHOTS for TOTS during COVID-19 Flyer in ENG/SPA
Vaccinate Your Family State of the ImmUnion COVID-19 Vaccination Supplement


Debunking Misinformation

News Literacy Project: Get Smart About COVID-19 Misinformation
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public - Myth busters: From the World Health Organization, common myths about COVID-19 and the facts
Skeptical Raptor: Debunking the Top 6 Coronavirus Conspiracies
Judy Mikovits in Plandemic: An antivax conspiracy theorist becomes a COVID-19 grifter
Medscape: How to Respond to COVID Deniers
CalMatters: Cue the debunking: Two Bakersfield doctors go viral with dubious COVID test conclusions
Medium: Misinformation Goes Viral


Support Immunize Nevada and Small Business
You can support Immunize Nevada and a local restaurant in your area impacted by COVID-19 when you register for eScrip. You can find instructions on how to register, as well as particpating restaurants here


Statewide Support for Domestic Violence 
Finding safety from domestic violence during the pandemic is still possible, resources and contact information are listed below.
Statewide: Nevada Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence
Northern Nevada: Safe Embrace
Southern Nevada: SafeNest


For Parents
With children at home from school and other activities, we understand resources may be needed to provide educational content or management of fears or anxiety. Below are links to assist with at-home learning and anxiety management.

Vaccine Makers Project (school-age lessons on immune systems and vaccination): The Vaccine Makers Project (VMP) is committed to public education about vaccine science via scientifically supported, historically accurate, and emotionally compelling content.

5 Ways to Help Teens Manage Anxiety About the Coronavirus: "If you are raising, teaching or otherwise caring for an adolescent who is feeling very nervous about it, here are five things you can do."

Sesame Street "Caring for Each Other" Resources


Immunize Nevada

Immunize Nevada, an award winning 501c3 non profit, is widely recognized as Nevada’s trusted resource for immunizations and community health for all ages by fostering education and statewide collaboration.



John's picture

Since much has changed since

Since much has changed since March 2020, the Coronavirus Pandemic is now known to be highly contagious and a great risk to many people in the United States and Nevada. The virus is passed on by people who may be asymtomatic such as young people, so will Nevada school children be required to obtain a Coronavirus vaccination? As we know, there is no vaccine available this year.
hparker's picture

Thank you for your question.

Thank you for your question. As this article notes, past research is helping speed up the search for a COVID-19 vaccine, but the approval process will most likely still take 18 months to 2 years. Until there is an approved vaccine, we won't know the specifics about who will be eligible to receive it. Immunize Nevada will continue to provide information about the progress as we receive it. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/covid-19-vaccine-more-than-one-year-before-available#The-race-for-a-COVID-19-vaccine

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© Immunize Nevada


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