Immunize Nevada Launches “Give Us Your Best Shot” Facebook Photo Contest

Dec. 4, 2012

Won't You Cocoon With Me?

Cocooning. When I hear that word I instantly think of the 1980s movie Cocoon (click here to reminisce via the movie trailer).  

But in the immunization world, it has a whole new meaning. Cocooning is enveloping the most vulnerable members of our community in a circle of protection by making sure that everyone around them is immunized.

Photo courtesy of the CDC
Waking Up with Shingles

Early in May, I noticed a slight rash on the back of my leg. But considering I’d been working in the yard and it was on the back of my leg, I honestly didn’t pay much attention.

That is, until a couple of days later, when it woke me up at 2:00 a.m. with sharp, searing pain shooting through the nerves in my leg. Some time spent on the Internet left me pretty much convinced I had been bitten by a brown recluse spider and that I was probably going to have to have my leg amputated.

Photo courtesy of Lynnette Bellin
Should You Before Spring Break?

We’re quite sure we don’t have to remind you, but Spring Break is right around the corner. And we’re also guessing you already have everything planned out and buttoned up: airfare, hotel, vaccinations, activities, tours...

Nope, this isn’t a game of “Which one isn’t like the others?” We meant vaccinations. So what do vaccines have to do with Spring Break? If you are traveling internationally or anywhere with large groups of people (which, during Spring Break, probably translates directly to “anywhere”), vaccinations should be the top item on your to-do list.

Las Vegas Measles Outbreak: How to Tell if It’s Measles

The Southern Nevada Health District confirmed yesterday that they have identified three additional cases of measles in the Las Vegas area.

Photo courtesy of CDC
Vaccinations Are in their Best Interests

Without a doubt, most parents make decisions they believe are in the best interest of their children. Sometimes they listen to friends, family, doctors and teachers. Sometimes they do their research. Sometimes they don't.

And sometimes, life just throws curve balls, even if we've done all of the above.

Carson City Health and Human Services to host measles vaccination clinics

In order to ensure everyone who needs the vaccine has the opportunity to receive it, Carson City Health and Human Services’ Long Street Clinic is going to offer extended hours each Thursday in February.

Immunize Nevada Launches HPV Free NV Campaign

Immunize Nevada, in partnership with the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health and Nevada Cancer Coalition, has launched HPV Free NV, a statewide campaign to raise awareness and uptake of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine known to prevent cancer.

Immunize Nevada Executive Director Heidi Parker tells her personal HPV story during a TEDx presentation
My Story: The HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention

When I was recently asked to give a TEDx talk about preventing cancer through HPV vaccination, I didn’t want my HPV story to be part of it. I didn’t want it broadcast to the world. I definitely didn’t want to talk about sex.

Why Vaccinate?

Immunize Nevada needs your help. Post a picture of you, your family, your friends to our Facebook page, tag it #IAmTheWhy, and join us in spreading the word about the very personal reasons you choose to vaccinate.
