Vaccines for Children (VFC)

Vaccines for Children (VFC) was created because many parents can't afford to pay for vaccines on their own. When large groups of children go without vaccines, it leaves them unprotected and puts not only their lives at risk, but our community as well. This program allows children to live a healthier lifestyle and assists in keeping our community healthy by ensuring that all children are eligible to receive needed vaccines.

VFC Provider Contact Information - Click Here
***The VFC Contact Information is a list of VFC Providers throughout Nevada. The list is in alphabetical order by town/city. You can also search the document by holding the Control and F button at the same time to bring up the "Find" field - This field will allow you to search by any key word in the PDF (i.e. zip code, name, street, etc.).

How can I get help paying for my child’s vaccines?
Since 1994, parents have been protecting their children through the VFC Program. This program provides free vaccines to children whose parents need help paying for them.

Is my child eligible for the VFC Program?
Your child is eligible if it is before his or her 19th birthday, and if he or she is one of the following:
► Medicaid-eligible
► Uninsured
► American Indian or Alaska Native
► Underinsured (Underinsured children are only eligible for VFC Vaccines through Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics).

What do you mean by “underinsured?”
Underinsured means your child has health insurance,but it won’t cover the vaccine(s) because:
► It doesn’t cover any vaccines.
► It doesn’t cover certain vaccines.
► It covers vaccines, but it has a fixed dollar limit or cap for vaccines. Once that fixed dollar amount has been reached, your child is eligible.

Where can I go to get my child vaccinated?
Ask your doctor if he or she is a VFC Program provider. There are over 40,000 doctors enrolled in the VFC Program nationwide.

How much will I have to pay?
All vaccines are free through the VFC Program, saving you $100 or more on some vaccines. Even though you’re saving a great deal of money by getting free vaccines, there can be other costs to the VFC visit:
► Doctors can charge a fee to give each shot. However, VFC vaccines cannot be denied to an eligible child if the family cannot afford the fee.
► There can be a fee for the office visit.
► There can be fees for non-vaccines services, like an eye exam or a blood test.

My child’s doctor isn’t a VFC provider. Where can I take my child for vaccines?
If your child’s doctor isn’t a VFC provider, you can take your child to one of the following places to get VFC vaccines:
► Public Health Clinic
► Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)
► Rural Health Clinic (RHC)The best place to take your child depends on where you live and how your child is eligible for the VFC Program. Before you go, contact your state’s VFC coordinator and ask where you should take your child for vaccines. You can find your state’s VFC coordinator on the CDC website by clicking here. Or call 1-800-CdC-info (232-4636). Ask for the phone number for your state’s VFC coordinator.

For additional information about VFC visit the CDC website

application/pdf iconVFC Provider List_Updated July 2012