Vaccine Safety

From childproof door latches to child safety seats, as a parent, you are continuously concerned about the health and safety of your children and take many steps to protect them. In the same way, vaccines work to protect children from illnesses and death caused by infectious preventable diseases.

Although it happens every year, many parents are surprised to learn that children can die of measles, chicken pox, influenza and more vaccine-preventable diseases. A decision not to immunize puts your child, and others who come into contact with your child, at risk of contracting these diseases. If you have concerns or questions, talk to your child's healthcare provider. Below are some references for vaccine safety tips, questions and resources.

Website Summary and Overview 

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) 

Every Child By Two (ECBT)

Vaccine Education Center

National Network for Immunization Information (NNii) 

Institute for Vaccine Safety 

Parents of Kids with Infectious Diseases (PKIDs)