NV'r Miss a Shot Provider Program

Nevada ranks 51st in the nation for childhood immunization rates, and we are all working diligently to improve this number to protect our babies and children from vaccine preventable diseases.  There many complex factors that impact Nevada's immunization rates leaving our children and communities at risk including Nevada’s diverse populations in northern and southern Nevada, our rural communities, and high transient rates just to name a few.

While there are many programs and systems in place to help increase immunization rates, one approach that consistently results in increased immunization rates is reminder/recall programs. These systems, designed to help inform those who administer vaccines that individual patients are due (reminder) or overdue (recall) for specific vaccinations, are an easy and relatively inexpensive way for providers to encourage parents to stay on-track when immunizing their children. Common delivery methods include paper-based reminders placed in patient charts, telephone reminder messages, email reminder messages, text messages or mailed postcard reminders.  The use of a reminder/recall system to improve childhood immunization coverage is supported by strong scientific evidence and national recommendations by several national organizations, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Vaccine Advisory Committee and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

Immunize Nevada offers several reminder/recall tools to Nevada providers, and is pleased to collaborate with the Nevada State Immunization Program to provide healthcare providers in Nevada the tools needed to get patients back in their offices for well check visits and immunizations.

Get your Reminder/Recall materials, training and updates HERE!