Materials & Tools

Downloadable Materials:

Needle Tips:
This issue brings you the latest information about recent ACIP votes to change Tdap and MCV vaccine recommendations, as well as IAC's popular Ask the Experts, summaries of recommendations, screening questionnaires for vaccine contraindications, and much more.

          Download the entire issue (18-pages)
Access the table of contents

Schedules: Summary of recommendation for children and teen immunizations.
          Download the schedule and guidelines.
             Download 2011 Child & Adolescent Immunization Schedules
             Download 2011 Adult Immunization Recommendations             

Provider's Guide to Immunizations: Patient and Staff Handouts from the Immunization Action Coalition (IAC). 
         Download information about administering vaccines, documenting vaccination, handling and storage, patient schedules and more.

Get to know your patients: Contraindcations are a big factor when speaking to patients and conducting immunizations. Get to know your patients and understand how to properly administer vaccinations on a patient who has contraindications.  
        Download the CDC's "Chart of Contraindications and Precautions to Commonly Used Vaccines."

WebIZ (Nevada's Immunization Registry) Reminder/Recall Training: Undrerstand the Reminder feature in WebIZ and its nuances; recognize the proper parameters to designate optimal data retrival from WebIZ; and learn how to read reports, extract the data and develop a method to send a reminder to patients.
Listen to the training.

Billing and Coding:
        • The Coding Institute Information on pediatric coding for Healthcare and Medical    

           Professionals. In order to receive the monthly newsletter, you must be a member.

        • Contract Negotiations with Payers, AAP Education Module. This five hour module is
           designed to help pediatricians negotiate the best possible contract with private payers.
           Receive more information and how to register.

        • Contracting with a Preferred Provider Network Toolkit from the AMA.

Reference Websites:

American Academy of Pediatrics

Every Child by Two

Immunization Action Coalition

Immunization Schedules for Birth to Adult

Nevada Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics

Nevada Chapter of Academy of Family Physicians