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Work Safe, Live Safe

Trabajar Seguro, Vivir Seguro. 
En español.

For a lot of us, we're at more risk for COVID-19 due to our jobs. You can still keep your loved ones safe when you can't stay home. Visit Safe Job Checklist to find out 6 things you need to keep yourself safe at work, and follow these tips to stay safe at home:

  • By using simple, cloth face coverings, you can keep those around you safe.
  • Regularly wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer.
  • Disinfect work and home surfaces. CDC directions on how to clean and disinfect.  En español.
  • Remove work clothes immediately.
  • Working outside of the home during the pandemic can be stressful, take time to reflect on the positives of your day! 

Living in close quarters or multigenerational housing

Where to find testing in Nevada

Health care and other resources

Stay informed

Full House?

Protecting and keeping one another safe is the main priority. Especially when social distancing is not possible for people living together in close quarters, such as people who share a small apartment, people living in shared housing such as shelters, or for people who live in the same household with large or extended families.

  • If you or someone in your household receive Meals on Wheels or other home-delivered meals, ask if because of the exceptional circumstances, they can also deliver meals for your children
  • Make time to talk about the different health and mental health challenges each person might be facing during this pandemic
  • If possible, choose a room that can be used to separate sick household members from those who are healthy
  • When grandparents live with you:  How to protect older adults from COVID-19 (also available in Chinese)
  • Do you live in close quarters? Read these tips for coping with daily life.   En español
  • Do you live in a shared housing situation? Read these tips for coping with daily life.  En español
  • Generations United Fact Sheet for multigenerational families

Testing is Essential, Too

As an essential worker, you can be at-risk for contracting COVID-19. Get access to testing and the resources you need to maintain your health. Below is the contact information for local health districts and the designated hotline for testing and treatment or you can visit the COVID-19 Test Site Finder. 

Do your kids need to get tested? Tips on creating comfort during testing.

Create a Nasal Swab Game Plan. 

Carson City Health and Human Services COVID-19 Hotline
Available Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M.-4:30 P.M.

Elko County COVID-19 Hotline
Available Monday-Friday 7 A.M.–7 P.M.
775-777-2507 or

Southern Nevada Health District COVID-19 Hotline
Available Monday-Friday 7 A.M.–7 P.M.

Washoe County Health District COVID-19 Hotline
Available Monday-Friday 8 A.M.-5 P.M.

Get the Care You Deserve

Love knows no bounds. Viruses don't either. Your family deserves to be safe & protected. Learn more about COVID-19 and where to access health care and resources.

  • Resources en español for Southern Nevada
  • Other Nevada resources en español
  • Find a community health center
  • Where to find food, cash assistance, and other resources
  • Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) Family, Medical and Paid Sick Time Leave: Know your Rights FAQ

How Quickly Things Change

With new cases of COVID-19 being reported daily, keep you and your loved ones as safe and prepared as possible. Visit our COVID-19 Brief for up-to-date information and the Nevada Health Response website.

This campaign is supported by the Nevada State Division of Public and Behavioral Health through Grant Number 1 NH23IP922609-01-00 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Contents are solely the responsibility of Immunize Nevada and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Division nor the CDC.