VFC Providers

Vaccines for Children (VFC) is a federal program to make sure all kids have access to vaccines, even when their parents can’t pay or they don’t have insurance. When large groups of children go without vaccines, it leaves them unprotected putting their lives and others at risk. This program helps keeps our community and children healthy by ensuring that all children are eligible to receive vaccines. Learn more about the VFC program. 

There are many healthcare providers in Nevada who offer the VFC Program. Here is a current list of VFC Providers and Contact information in Nevada.

VFC Provider Contact Information
The VFC Contact Information is a list of VFC Providers throughout Nevada. The list is in alphabetical order by town/city. You can also search the document by holding the Control and F button at the same time to bring up the "Find" field - This field will allow you to search by any key word in the PDF (i.e. zip code, name, street, etc.).