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25 years is a BIG deal

As we head into 2020 - we are recognizing the 25th anniversary of the formation of immunization coalitions in Nevada. 25 years of promoting health and preventing disease is a BIG deal, so we have 25 ways you can celebrate - that also help Immunize Nevada.

  1. Shop for a cause - select us on Amazon Smile
  2. Give with your groceries - register your Smith’s card
  3. Dine out with eScrip Dining
  4. Follow @immunizenv on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube
  5. Join our VAX NEVADA KIDS Facebook group and invite your friends
  6. Donate online at - make your donation recurring for a bigger impact
  7. Voice your opinion via an Action Alert
  8. Be a social media ambassador – share our posts with your networks
  9. Donate healthy classroom supplies: tissue, sanitizer, cleaning wipes and we’ll deliver to Title 1 schools
  10. Participate in your workplace’s matching donation and/or volunteer hours program to amplify your support for Immunize Nevada
  11. Introduce us to your company’s leadership
  12. Text BIGSHOTS to 44-321 to support us via mobile
  13. Host a workplace fundraiser – we’ll help!
  14. Volunteer with Team Prevention to look up Nevada WebIZ records in our office during the busy back-to-school season
  15. Donate your birthday through a Facebook fundraiser
  16. Be a vaccine advocate – the more you talk about the importance of vaccines, the healthier our community will be! 
  17. Volunteer with Team Leadership and be a Community Immunization Learning Series trainer
  18. Post a #FluShotSelfie
  19. Like to write? Be a guest blogger.
  20. Lend your skills and join one of Immunize Nevada’s committees
  21. Write an OpEd – we’ll help you!
  22. Be a media spokesperson
  23. Speak with your elected representative about the importance of vaccines and/or testify at a legislative hearing
  24. Apply to
  25. Last, but definitely not least, protect yourself and those around you by getting vaccinated!

Immunize Nevada

Immunize Nevada, an award winning 501c3 non profit, is widely recognized as Nevada’s trusted resource for immunizations and community health for all ages by fostering education and statewide collaboration.