Nevada Resources

Do you need a copy of your child's immunization record?  Download the state of Nevada form. 
Download information about the Vaccines for Children Program. 
Immunization Resources in Nevada

Please contact your healthcare provider or one of the following local clinics for additional vaccination information and scheduling:

Las Vegas
    Helping Kids Clinic (702) 732-7001
    Southern Nevada Health District (702) 759-0850

    HAWC Community Clinic (775) 329-6300
    Orvis Nursing Clinic (775) 327-5000
    Saint Mary's Immunizations (775) 770-7100
    Washoe County Health District
        Information (775) 328-3724
        Appointment Scheduling (775) 328-2402

Other Nevada Locations
    Carson City Health and Human Services (775) 887-2190
    Community Health Centers
    Nevada Health Centers (800) 787-2568

Nevada 211. If you need help with health and human services, dial Nevada 211 the State's referral line: 2-1-1.

Access to Healthcare Network offers affordable health care for you and your family through a medical discount plan.  As a program of Access to Healthcare Network, Nevada Covering Kids and Families (CKF) links families with uninsured children to health care by providing application assistance, outreach and public education.

Know your Insurance Plan. Download a helpful handout in assessing your health plan coverage.