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Top 5 Ways to Support Infant Immunizations

National Infant Immunization Week takes place  April 16-23, 2016, but Immunize Nevada is celebrating all month long! Join in by doing one or all of the top 5 ways to support infant immunizations.

1.     Vaccinate Your Infants. The CDC recommended vaccine schedule for infants can be confusing. Never fear. Immunize Nevada has created a summary schedule chart, and if you email , we will send you a handy refrigerator magnet or cling with the schedule.  

2.     Get Yourself Up-to-Date. Immunizations aren’t just for kids.  Pregnant women should get shots to share immunity with their newborn. Dads, grandparents and caregivers should too. In fact all adults need vaccines. Check out the CDC recommended vaccines for adults. 

3.     Advocate. Vaccinated and proud? Don’t keep it to yourself. Facilitating an open dialogue about immunizations encourages other parents to take vaccines seriously. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and start sharing!

4.     Give. Many infants in Nevada don’t have easy access to immunizations. Your donation will help us bring resources to them, giving them the protection they need for a healthy start. Donate Here. 

5.     Volunteer. Want to be on the front lines of the immunization effort across Nevada?  Sign-up to be a volunteer

Immunize Nevada

Immunize Nevada

Immunize Nevada, an award winning 501c3 non profit, is widely recognized as Nevada’s trusted resource for immunizations and community health for all ages by fostering education and statewide collaboration.