2018 is over and along with it comes our annual blog wrap up. We usually highlight the top five blogs we published throughout 2018, however, this year, we’ve decided to give some of our least read blogs another chance to shine.
Let’s start with number five, “Becoming an Immunization Advocate: NIIW and Beyond.” National Infant Immunization Week is a busy time of year for Immunize Nevada. NIIW for us includes our Silver Syringe celebrations in northern and southern Nevada, and our Community Baby Shower events across the state. Alongside the CDC, we work to remind pregnant women and new families about the importance of protecting infants from vaccine-preventable diseases. In this blog, find out how to become an advocate for vaccines, especially at a time that is most crucial for little ones.
Fourth, “Our BIG Impact.” Have you ever heard of Nevada’s Big Give? Maybe not since we only had a handful of readers. That’s okay, it’s happening again in 2019 and there’s plenty of opportunity to participate. Catch up on what some of our partners, donors, and volunteers had to say about working with and donating to Immunize Nevada. By the way, 2019’s Big Give is March 21, mark your calendar!
Let’s have a frank conversation about the flu, ready? Influenza is very serious, you need to get your flu vaccine, and also read two of our flu posts. Blogs two and three discuss the highly contagious disease, how you can help fight it in your community, and protect your friends and family. First - find out how you can participate in our Healthy Classroom Kit Drive in 2019 by reading about the 2018 drive. Second, make sure you get vaccinated and take your whole family to get vaccinated as well. Flu season is definitely underway as cases are on the rise, but it’s not too late to get your flu shot!
Now that we’ve reminded you about getting a flu shot, being a vaccine advocate, and supporting Nevada nonprofits, can we ask for some dough (the green kind, not the cookie kind)? Our latest and also least read blog of 2018 is our, “6 Ways to Give That Don’t Require Writing a Check.” Did you know there’s plenty of ways to donate to Immunize Nevada without opening your checkbook or needing a stamp? Read up and find out how you can donate by shopping at Amazon, fulfilling your groceries list, eating at your favorite pizzeria, or choosing paycheck deduction through your employer. Small donations add up to make a really big difference.
We hope you enjoy our least read, but still super important blogs of 2018. Here’s to a successful 2019 filled with new blog topics, reliable information, and other exciting content! Subscribe today so you don’t miss a post!