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Flu Vaccines Made Accessible to WCSD Students Through Community Partnerships

Media Contact: David Perez
(775) 624-7113 |

For Immediate Release:

Flu Vaccines Made Accessible to WCSD Students Through Community Partnerships

Reno, Nev. (May 12, 2017) – During the 2016-2017 school year, more than 1,000 Washoe County students and staff received the flu vaccine as part of a collaborative partnership between Immunize Nevada, interns from the school of Community Health Sciences, and the Washoe County Health District (WCHD). Thanks to the generous support of Renown Health and the federally funded Vaccines for Children Program, students received the flu vaccine at no cost. These clinics were developed in order to keep Washoe students healthy and in school during flu season.

“Through Renown’s generous grant, we are able to collaborate with our partners and bring health services directly to students and families,” said Immunize Nevada Executive Director Heidi Parker.

1,047 students and school staff received the flu vaccine at 15 Washoe County schools during a five month period. 72% of the vaccines administered by the WCHD were covered by the Vaccines for Children Program. The Vaccines for Children Program provides vaccines to children whose guardians may not be able to afford them.

“Increasing access to immunizations is part of our daily work,” said Parker. “It’s so exciting when healthcare professionals come together to ensure the health and well-being of the littlest Nevadans.”

The clinics are a direct result from the first piloted clinic hosted in 2009. Immunize Nevada and its partners will continue this collaborative work into the 2017-2018 school year, ultimately increasing our state’s immunization rates, connecting our community members to needed resources, and improving our state’s overall health.

For details about vaccines, statistics, logic, prevention strategies and vaccination clinics, follow Immunize Nevada on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Or visit for more information.

For more information on the Vaccines for Children Program, visit

Immunize Nevada is widely recognized as Nevada’s trusted resource for immunizations and
community health for all ages by fostering education and statewide collaboration. Immunize Nevada’s vision is healthy communities across Nevada protected from vaccine-preventable disease. For more information, visit