This year’s winners are being celebrated at the 21st Annual Silver Syringe Awards and Fundraiser held in northern and southern Nevada. The Healthy People 2020 Awards are based on immunization rates above at least 70 percent.
- Category one (pulled through the Nevada WebIZ immunization registry): Childhood immunizations for kids ages 19-35 months who receive the recommended doses of DTaP, polio, MMR, Hib, hepatitis B, varicella and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) to the target of 80% or higher.
- Category two (pulled through the Nevada WebIZ immunization registry): Adolescent immunizations who receive the recommended doses of Tdap, MCV4 and HPV to the target of 80% or higher.
- Category three (pulled through the Nevada WebIZ immunization registry): Increase the percentage of children ages 6 months-two years who are vaccinated annually against seasonal influenza to the target of 70% or higher.
- Category four (pulled through the Nevada WebIZ immunization registry): Increase the percentage of adolescents who are vaccinated annually against seasonal influenza to the target of 70% or higher.
- Category five (pulled through an online submission form): Healthcare personnel vaccinated against influenza to the target of 90% or higher at hospitals, post-acute care facilities and tribal health centers.
These clinics, providers, and healthcare professionals across Nevada are recognized for their excellent immunization rates in protecting infants, children, and adolescents from vaccine-preventable diseases. Thank you to all the participants for your continuing efforts to keep our communities strong and Nevada protected through vaccination!
Check out the list below to see if your child's provider won in any of the categories or download the PDF file. Congratulations winners!
Northern Nevada Winners
Increase the percentage of children ages 19 to 35 months who receive the recommended doses of DTaP, polio, MMR, Hib, hepatitis B, varicella and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) to the target of 80% or higher.
Bronze Winners
Bradford Granath, MD
Heath Family Medical, PLLC
Renown Health (Fallon)
St. Mary's Regional Medical Center (Sharlands)
Silver Winners
CHN - Mineral County Community Health Clinic
Community Health Alliance (Sparks)
Northeastern Nevada Pediatrics
Owyhee Community Health Facility
Pinecone Pediatrics
Reno Pediatrics
Summit Pediatrics (Warren Way)
Gold Winners
Aspen Pediatrics
Gurjeet Wadia, MD
Northern Nevada
Pediatrics Pediatric Associates
Reno Center for Child and Adolescent Health
Sierra Pediatrics
Southern Bands Health Center
Summit Pediatrics (MaeAnn)
Summit Pediatrics, Dr. Dinwiddie
The Elko Clinic
Platinum Winners
The Medical Profession, LLC
Increase the percentage of adolescents who receive the recommended doses of Tdap, MenACWY and HPV to the target of 80% or higher.
Silver Winners
CHN Lyon County Community Health (Fernley)
Community Health Alliance (Neil Road Clinic)
Community Health Alliance (Sun Valley Clinic)
Owyhee Community Health Facility
Reno Center for Child and Adolescent Health
Increase the percentage of children aged 6 months through 2 years who are vaccinated annually against seasonal influenza to target 70% or higher.
Silver Winners
The Medical Profession, LLC
Northern Nevada Pediatrics
Sachdev Pratima, MD
Increase the percentage of children ages 13-17 years old who are vaccinated annually against seasonal influenza to target 70% or higher.
Bronze Winners
Renown Medical Group - Pediatric Endocrinology
Increase the percentage of healthcare personnel who are vaccinated annually against seasonal influenza to the target of 90% or higher.
Bronze Winners
Carson Tahoe Continuing Care Hospital
Silver Winners
Carson Valley Medical Center
Genesis Home Health and Hospice (Elko)
Genesis Home Health (Ely)
Genesis Home Health (Winnemucca)
Northeastern Nevada Regional Hospital
Renown Health
Renown Health Home Care
Saint Mary’s Health Network
Gold Winners
Banner Churchill Community Hospital
Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center
Southern Nevada Winners
Increase the percentage of children ages 19 to 35 months who receive the recommended doses of DTaP, polio, MMR, Hib, hepatitis B, varicella and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) to the target of 80% or higher.
Bronze Winners
Children's Urgent Care & Pediatric Clinic (Buffalo)
Civic Center Pediatrics (East)
Clinica Medica Del Pueblo
Kiddies' Pal Pediatrics
Pioneer Pediatrics (Bonanza)
Sahara Medical Institute - Dr. Francisco Peraza
The Pediatric Center
Wee Care Pediatrics (Durango)
Silver Winners
Children's Urgent Care (Sunset)
Dignity Health Medical Group (Henderson)
Healthy Kids Pediatrics
Henderson Pediatrics
LaCanada Pediatrics
Michael Rosenman Pediatrics
Neopediatrics for Positively Kids
Nevada Pediatric Specialists
Northwest Pediatrics
Pioneer Pediatrics (N. Buffalo)
Southwest Medical Associates Nellis Healthcare Center
Southwest Medical Tenaya Healthcare Center
VIPediatrics of Las Vegas
Gold Winners
Anthem Pediatrics (7 Hills)
Centennial Pediatrics
Civic Center Pediatrics (North)
Desert Pediatrics (Cascade)
Desert Pediatrics (Eastern)
Kidfixers Pediatrics
Elsa H. Von Schulenburg, MD
Lake Mead Pediatrics
Nevada Health Center (Martin Luther King Family Center)
Sunset Clinic
Increase the percentage of adolescents who receive the recommended doses of Tdap, MenACWY and HPV to the target of 80% or higher.
Bronze Winners
Elsa H. Von Schulenburg, MD
Lake Mead Pediatrics
Mama Mia Pediatrics (Eastern)
Michael Rosenman Pediatrics
Milestones Pediatrics
Summit View Youth Correctional Center
Volunteers in Medicine of Southern Nevada (Ruffin Family Clinic)
Silver Winners
Bernstein Pediatrics
Guadalupe Medical Center (Charleston)
Guadalupe Medical Center (Eastern)
Mama Mia Pediatrics
Nevada Pediatric Specialists
Increase the percentage of children aged 6 months through 2 years who are vaccinated annually against seasonal influenza to target 70% or higher.
Silver Winners
Lake Mead Pediatrics
Gold Winners
Elsa H. Von Schulenburg, MD
Increase the percentage of children ages 13-17 years old who are vaccinated annually against seasonal influenza to target 70% or higher.
No Qualifying Winners
Increase the percentage of healthcare personnel who are vaccinated annually against seasonal influenza to the target of 90% or higher.
Bronze Winners
Spring Valley Hospital Medical Center
Silver Winners
Desert Springs Hospital Medical Center
Desert View Hospital
Health and Care Professional Network, LLC
Henderson Hospital
Mountainview Hospital & Medical Center
North Vista Hospital
Southern Hills Hospital & Medical Center
Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center
University Medical Center of Southern Nevada
Valley Hospital Medical Center