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The Critical Importance of Flu Prevention: Insights from a Mother Whose Daughter Almost Didn't Survive

Join us for SUPER NILE!
Immunize Nevada will be hosting FOUR flu-focused NILE webinars during the week of September 21-25 at 12:00PM PST.
Enjoy your lunch as you expand your knowledge about influenza from some of the top immunization experts in the country!

Friday, September 25, 2020
12:00-1:00PM PST
The Critical Importance of Flu Prevention: Insights from a Mother Whose Daughter Almost Didn't Survive

The Booster Bulletin: Your Weekly Dose of Immunization News

In our fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, we cannot let down our guard against preventable childhood diseases. Now is the time to get every child back on track with recommended vaccines. It’s imperative to make sure our children are vaccinated on time throughout their childhood before they are exposed to potentially life-threatening diseases such as rubella, polio, and cancers caused by HPV. Getting children back on track with recommended vaccines is safe, but there may be delays, as many children need to catch-up during this time.

Jackie Shelton

Jackie Shelton

After a 25-year career in the communications industry, Jackie Shelton still has a hard time focusing on one particular aspect of it, so she’s stopped trying. As Vice President of Public Relations for the Estipona Group, she gets to handle media and community relations for clients ranging from governmental agencies to healthcare and higher education providers. A graduate of the University of Nevada, she formerly published two of the Northern Nevada region’s premiere publications, RLife and Family Pulse. In addition to her magazine work, she has been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul (twice!) and 365 Scary Stories, a Barnes & Noble anthology. As much as she enjoys her work, she gets the most fun out of hanging out with her two boys, though their receptiveness to that changes by the day. Teenagers, am I right?