HPV Prevention is Simple. So Why Are Young Nevadans Not Vaccinating?
What if you could just get a simple vaccine to prevent cancer?
Turns out, you can. But more on that in a second.
What if you could just get a simple vaccine to prevent cancer?
Turns out, you can. But more on that in a second.
Las Vegas, Nev. (June 2, 2016) - Immunize Nevada’s outreach and volunteer manager Lisa Coker has been accepted to the American Express Leadership Program through the Center for Creative Leadership. The program offers 48 emerging leaders from across the country an opportunity to participate in a marquis leadership development training program that includes a feedback-intensive learning environment and hands-on activities to enhance the leadership capacity of all the attendees.
Reno resident Jack Perkins isn’t exactly the person you’d expect to be a poster child for whooping cough.
He’s a professional. He’s a father. He’s an avid runner and was thrilled to participate in the Boston Marathon last year. As an added bonus, right after the race, Jack and his wife took a trip to Europe and spent two weeks visiting Belgium, England and Iceland.
As I drew closer and closer to the birth of my third child, there were a lot of choices that crossed my mind: Am I going to use pain meds during labor? (A resounding, yes!) Will I breastfeed? (Yes, if all goes according to plan.) Should we immunize our baby in the hospital and in the days following her birth?
While my answer to this question seems very straightforward to me, I have come to recognize that for others, the decision to immunize may not be so simple.
When I was eight months pregnant with my first child – totally caught up in cleaning out drawers and other panicky nesting urges, worrying about how I was inadvertently harming my baby and fearing labor — a scary video of a baby dying of whooping cough (pertussis) circulated on social media. Of course I got the link about 10 times, as other panicky nesting moms in my mom groups spread it like — well, a virus.
Las Vegas, NV (May 18, 2016)— Immunize Nevada recently recognized outstanding healthcare providers that have gone above and beyond to protect Nevadans from vaccine-preventable diseases. The number of winners for high immunization rates, which included provider offices, hospitals, post-acute care facilities and tribal health centers statewide, nearly doubled from the previous year.
Reno, NV (May 17, 2016)— Immunize Nevada recently recognized outstanding healthcare providers that have gone above and beyond to protect Nevadans from vaccine-preventable diseases. The number of winners for high immunization rates, which included provider offices, hospitals, post-acute care facilities and tribal health centers statewide, nearly doubled from the previous year.
Reno, Nev. (May 9, 2016) — Immunize Nevada is partnering with the Washoe County Health District and Nevada WebIZ to host the Vaccination Village at the Reno/Sparks Baby Expo and Family Health Fair, presented by Renown Children’s Hospital and RGJ Media, on Sunday, May 22, from 9a.m. to 2p.m. at the Grand Sierra Resort.
You’ve likely heard this common flight attendant refrain: “In case of emergency, put on your own oxygen mask first before assisting others.”
Why is this important? Because oxygen is essential to be alive, and if you are alive, you can help others; no oxygen, not alive, no helping others.
Seems simple, right?
And this is an important metaphor for women’s health as well.
Reno, NV (May 2, 2016)— Immunize Nevada held two award ceremony dinners in April, in northern and southern Nevada, to identify outstanding individuals and organizations that have gone above and beyond to protect Nevadans from vaccine-preventable diseases. The 18th Annual Silver Syringe Awards were held in conjunction with National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW), which brought more awareness to the work these winners strive to provide.