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Governor Sandoval Signs SB 122

May 27, 2016                                                             
Contact:  Elisa Cafferata, Dir. Of Govt Relations, Nevada Advocates for Planned Parenthood Affiliates (NAPPA)
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                       

Governor Sandoval Signs SB 122 to Bring Community Health Nurses and Family Planning Services Back to Rural Nevada Women and Families

A Perspective on Polio: Then and Now

In the United States in the 1940’s through the 1950’s, polio was widespread, crippling over 35,000 people each year. The outbreak caused great panic, leaving parents fearful to let their kids play outside, reducing travel and commerce in high infected areas. In towns where polio cases were diagnosed, public health officials imposed quarantines in an effort to reduce the spread of the contagious disease.