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Public Health is Power!

It’s National Public Health Week! Every year, public health organizations and agencies unite to highlight the importance of public health in our communities and across the world. This week gives public health practitioners the opportunity to highlight key issues and call for action. In celebration of this movement and NPHW, our staff shared their thoughts about public health!

Getting a Flu Shot is a Slam Dunk

It’s that time of year where basketball fans everywhere are overcome with March Madness®, but those of us monitoring flu season are thinking flu shots, not jump shots. While employers are lamenting the loss of productivity due to the NCAA® Basketball Tournament, they should also be concerned about losing productivity to influenza – and evaluating their sick leave policies.

The ABCs of AB123

An immunization-related bill (AB123) was recently introduced in the Assembly Education Committee by Assemblywoman Connie Munk. We have the ABCs of what this bill is about, why it’s necessary, and how it may impact you, your child, and your community. We encourage you to follow this post for updates throughout the Legislative Session. 

The quick and simple summary:

The Unknown (Vaccine) Hero: Dr. Maurice Hilleman

Unfortunately, once again the measles have infected the headlines. Splashed across newspapers, online articles, and tv news broadcasts. measles outbreaks are popping up across the country although measles were declared eliminated as of 2000 in the United States due to the effectiveness of the vaccine. Now, many health officials are currently mobilizing to stop the spread of the vaccine-preventable disease in their community.

Measles again

We wrote this prior post almost four years to the day. And here we are again talking about measles - in New York, Washington, Oregon, and across Europe. A total of 17 outbreaks (defined as 3 or more linked cases) were reported in the United States in 2018 - for a disease that is preventable with a safe and effective vaccine.

Free Flu Vaccine Clinic at the Northern Nevada Muslim Community Center

Free Flu Vaccine Clinic at the Northern Nevada Muslim Community Center

Reno, NV (December 5, 2018) – Flu season has arrived in Washoe County for the 2018-2019 season. With last year’s intense flu season resulting in 80,000 hospitalizations and increased influenza activity reported nationwide, it’s now more important than ever to vaccinate.

Top Ten Reasons We’re Thankful!

In our coalition, a diverse, dedicated group of individuals, organizations, and institutions across the state work together to promote health and prevent disease; anytime, anyplace, anywhere. They unite their powers and leverage their strengths to save lives. We’re thankful for the commitment they make every day to keep Nevada healthy.

But we’re thankful for lots of other reasons too (in no particular order!)