About us
Heidi Hurst, MA, Director
520 W. Sixth Street
Reno, NV 89503
(775) 770-6713 | (775) 770-7708 fax
Sign up for weekly updates: http://ow.ly/2LR2Z (choose the newsletters you'd like to receive)
General meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 9:30 am at Renown South Meadows, Northview Conference Room near the Visitor's Entrance 10101 Double R Boulevard, Reno. For detailed location information, please download a map from the links below.
NNIC is proud to be the recipient of a National Influenza Vaccine Summit Award, Silver Star Award from Truckee Meadows Tomorrow, an Honoring our Heroes in Nevada Award from the Area Health Education Center and a Points of Light Award from Nevada Volunteers.
The Northern Nevada Immunization Coalition (NNIC) is a non-profit, community organization committed to protecting the health of northern Nevada residents and decreasing the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases through community partnerships, advocacy and educating parents, health care professionals and community members.Our vision is appropriate and timely immunizations for all citizens.
The 2009 National Immunization Survey ranked Nevada 45th in the nation for up-to-date two year olds. Unfortunately, our state has immunization gaps at all ages – a baby’s first years, adolescence and adulthood. We also know that families struggling with the cost of immunizations are most likely facing additional problems related to food, housing, employment, lack of insurance and more. NNIC members are working to alleviate these and other barriers, so northern Nevadans can stay safe and healthy.
In 2010, NNIC members immunized over 40,000 children and adults through community based clinics at shopping centers, grocery stores, homeless shelters, schools, food banks, neighborhood festivals, pre-schools, energy assistance expos and more. NNIC’s three committees are working to improve our community’s health by identifying objectives that address the following goals: provide immunization awareness, education and access to the community; provide immunization information, education, and support to health care providers; advocate for local policy changes to maximize immunization levels. Current projects and annual special events include the Silver Syringe Awards, Nevada Infant Immunization Week, Give Kids a Boost: Sun Valley Health and Safety Fair, InFLUence Others: Get Vaccinated, Back-to-School outreach, school-based flu clinics and more.
Heidi S. Hurst, Director
Members elected each January
Jaime Collins, MBA, Chair - AMERIGROUP Community Care
Lynnie Shore, RN, Vice Chair - Washoe County Health District
Steve Kutz, RN, MPH, Past Chair - Washoe County Health District
Michelle Washington, Childhood Chair - AMERIGROUP Community Care
Doreen Begley, RN, MS, School Chair - UNR Early Head Start
Jeanne Meachem, RN, MSN, Adult/PPFI Chair - VA Health Care System