Join us at the 12th Annual Nevada Health Conference
On November 13-14, Immunize Nevada will once again bring together over 250 healthcare professionals from across the country, state, and region to map a roadway to a healthier Nevada. I hope to see you at this must-attend event!
Our continued collaboration with the Nevada State Division of Public and Behavioral Health once again offers an integrated multi-track immunization, maternal child health, and chronic disease agenda full of new ideas, different perspectives, and an opportunity to incorporate best practices into your daily work. We're grateful to Seqirus and all our sponsors for their support, their generosity helps keep registration fees affordable.
Take a look at the thought-provoking conference agenda and start planning which sessions you'll attend.
We kick-off the conference with keynote speaker, Dara Lieberman, Senior Government Relations Manager,Trust for America's Health. Dara will discuss how policies and activities at the federal level affect people and programs at the state level; and will provide concrete ways we can all get involved and take action. We close the day with Maureen Schafer, Chief of Staff, UNLV School of Medicine to showcase the changing landscape of healthcare in Nevada.
Interested in immunization topics? Attend sessions with local and national experts on HPV vaccination, influenza, communications, outbreak response, and barriers to refugee vaccination. Day 2's intensive session includes in-depth sessions on adolescent vaccines.
Are you working to improve the health of women and children? Learn best practices in sessions with experts on social determinants of health, suicide prevention, services for IPV survivors, and preventing perinatal hepatitis B. Attendees of Day 2's maternal child health session will receive a variety of perspectives on best practices for healthy moms and healthy babies.
Is fighting chronic disease a priority? Join colleagues working towards a healthy Nevada in sessions on breast cancer prevention, the importance of community health workers, and supportive care for LGTBQ elders.
And if you’re interested in speaking up for public health, be sure to attend the extended media training workshop with Nevada Broadcasters Assocation on Day 1.
Be sure to thank our exhibitors and sponsors for supporting #17NHC:
Children's Advocacy Alliance
Community Health Alliance
Foundation for Positively Kids
Immunization Action Coalition
Maternal Child Health Title V Program
Medical Reserve Corps
Nevada Health Link
Nevada Public Health Association
Nevada Public Health Training Center
Nevada State Immunization Program
Nevada State Medical Association
Nevada Statewide Maternal Child Health Coalition
Saint Mary's Health Network
Sanofi Pasteur
Silver Summit Health Plan
Southwest Medical Associates
UNLV School of Medicine
There are so many great opportunities at #17NHC! Here are a few other benefits:
#fuelyourconference – Join our Executive Director for a sunrise run on Tuesday.
#networkwithpurpose – Forge professional connections and find inspiration during our roundtable lunch and happy hour reception.
#continuingeducation – Credits are available in a number of disciplines.
#conferenceswag – Bring home information and resources from our generous sponsors and exhibitor tables.
#mobiletech - Download the conference app and get all of the information you need from start to finish on your phone or tablet.
We're looking forward to seeing you, and if you haven't yet registered - it's not too late. Online registration closes November 3rd, or you can register on-site.
As executive director of Immunize Nevada, Heidi Parker, MA leads and engages a diverse coalition of staff, volunteers, member organizations and funders so they are passionate about vaccines and access to preventive health care across Nevada’s rural, urban and frontier communities. Bringing over two decades of experience in nonprofit program management, fundraising and marketing, she has dedicated her career to being able to affect her community in a positive way, whether working with Head Start families, victims of violence, college students or Nevadans needing immunizations.
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