Boys and Girls Club or Truckee Meadows, 2680 E 9th Sr., Reno, NV 89512
Please join us for this mixer, where we'll bring together people who want to help with local community organizations that can use the help.
We have invited organization representatives to share their information so you can stop by, talk to them, and make donations of time or money to those you're most interested in. Some may even be looking for board members.
Bring your kids to this one, as all participating middle and high school students will be given $10 vouchers to donate to the non-profit organization of their choice, after time spent interviewing them. The school with the most participation will also receive $500.
Please join us in thanking Bill Pearce Motors, Doughboys Donuts, Uncommon Sense with Katie Coombs and Jay Kenny - Oliver Luxury Real Estate for making these donations possible!
Organizations will need to have representation the entire time, and attendees can stay as long as they like. Children are welcome.
Please invite everyone you think would like to attend.
Alchemist Theater
Alternatives to Violence Project
Battle Born Progress
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Boys & Girls Club of the Sierra
Children's Advocacy Alliance
Committee to Aid Abused Women
Community Health Alliance
Communities In Schools of Western Nevada
Connect the Dots
Crisis Call Center
Donor Network West
First Congregational Church of Reno
For Kids Foundation
Girls on the Run
Immunize Nevada
Lexie's Gift
My Journey Home
Nevada Clergy Association
Nevada Conservation League
National Federation for the Blind
Neighbor Network of Northern Nevada
Nevada Urban Indians
Nevada Youth Empowerment Project
Northern Nevada Center for Independent Living
Northern Nevada HOPES
Northern Nevada International Center
Northern Nevada Muslim Community Center
Our Center
Planned Parenthood
Progressive Democrats of America
Ronald McDonald House
Safe Embrace
Sierra Arts
Sierra Club
Sierra Kids Foundation
Transgender Allies Group
The League of Gender Inclusive Citizens (T-LOGIC)
Washoe CASA Foundation
Washoe Dems
Wishes & Angels
Women & Children’s Center of the Sierra
Women of Washoe
If your non-profit organization would like to have a table at this event, please contact . Thank you!
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