Advanced User Training in Sparks, NV
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Friday, October 25, 2013
Career College of Northern NV, 1421 Pullman Drive, Room #211, Sparks, NV 89434
(775) 684-5996

Nevada WebIZ is an immunization registry to show immunization rates, data, and medical history. WebIZ training will help patients, clients, students, pharmacists, physicians, nurses, and medical assistants use the program for their records. If you would like to register for one of these events, the dates are as follows:

June 28, 2013

October 25, 2013

*Event times may vary.

Reports and Data Management Training

Office managers, supervisors, vaccine coordinators, and anyone who regularly runs WebIZ reports are highly encouraged to attend this class. Students will learn how to use WebIZ reports to ensure quality data entry performance, manage patient rosters, improve immunization rates, and run reminder/recalls to bring patients in for their next immunization doses.

You must pre-register for these classes by completing the online registration form or by calling the number listed below. Space is limited! This session is intended for users already familiar with WebIZ.

Individualized training at your office location may also be requested and scheduled by contacting the Northern Nevada WebIZ Office at (775) 684-5996.


Eventbrite registration software is not affiliated in any way with the State of Nevada, the Nevada State Health Division, or the Nevada State Immunization Program. There is no financial, commercial, or professional interests in using Eventbrite. Nevada WebIZ only uses this service to offer our providers a more convenient way to register for our training classes. Before completing your registration should read and understand Eventbrite’s privacy policy and their terms of service. You should also take time to set your email preferences by clicking here. If you are not comfortable using Eventbrite to register, please call or email our trainers directly at the contact info listed to the right of this page.

Eventbrite will occasionally send emails to attendees regarding upcoming events. These emails are not from the State of Nevada. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time by setting your email preferences by going to For further instructions, please view the information at Eventbrite’s Help Center by going to