Campaigns & Projects
Adolescent Committee - View Gallery
The adolescent committee formed in 2006 in response to the growing list of new adolescent vaccines. The goal of this committee is to promote and increase adolescent immunizations by 7th grade and promote the adolescent physician visit. Both NNIC and SNIC have adolescent committees.
Back to School Immunization Week - View Gallery
The Southern Nevada Immunization Coalition hosted Back to School Immunization Week from August 18th-25th, 2007. In partnership with local and state health departments, healthcare providers and community and business organizations, SNIC coordinated 12 clinics across the Las Vegas valley in an effort to help bring vaccines to community accessible locations. Over 3,700 shots were given to 1,636 school-aged children from Saturday, August 18th to Saturday, August 25th. With support from Senator Harry Reid and First Lady Dawn Gibbons, this first-time community event was an immunization success!
Certificate of Commendation
Nevada Infant Immunization Week - View Gallery
Every year in April, in conjunction with National Infant Immunization Week, we recognize Nevada Infant Immunization Week to promote and encourage appropriately immunizing all children under the age of 6 in Nevada. During this week, free and low-cost immunization clinics are held throughout Nevada to reach at-risk children and ensure their access to vaccinations.
National Infant Immunization Week
NV'R Miss a Shot - View Gallery
NV’r Miss A Shot is our statewide immunization campaign that has both consumer and health care provider components. Radio and outdoor bus advertising run in both northern and southern Nevada – the message is give your kid a shot at life by immunizing. Health care provider components include educational elements and immunization tools.
Order form for NV'R Miss a Shot Materials
Partners Promoting Flu Immunization (PPFI) - View Gallery
This committee focuses on increasing influenza immunization rates and education. Each year this group, in partnership with local Rotary clubs, coordinates the Rotary Flu Kick Off event to "kick-off" flu season. In addition, this group provides influenza information and resources to healthcare providers offices and childcare centers throughout northern Nevada.
Protecting and Immunize Nevada's Kids (PINK)
There are approximately 40,000 babies born each year in Nevada hospitals and none of them arrive vaccinated from serious diseases. The PINK project, adapted from Tulsa Area Immunization Coalition's KICK Campaign, was developed to target parents of newborns with immunization information prompting timely vaccination of their child. The goals of this project are to 1) increase immunization awareness; 2) encourage parents to immunize their child according to the ACIP/CDC recommendations; and 3) encourage parents to keep health and immunization records organized and up-to-date. Birthing hospitals will provide parents of all newborns with a PINK packet containing immunization and health information. The packet is designed to maintain and organize immunization and health records for their child from birth through college. PINK is made possible by the following sponsors: Fund for a Healthy Nevada, Anthem, Every Child by Two, MedImmune, Ross Products Division, Sanofi Pasteur, Sierra Community Healthcare Foundation, Sierra Health Services, Inc., UERMMMC Medical Alumni Association, Nevada State Immunization Program, Southern Nevada Health District, Southwest Medical Associates. For more information on this project or if you would like to receive PINK packets, please contact us at (775) 770-6713.
Sierra Nevada Immunization Conference
The Sierra Nevada Immunization Conference is a 1.5 day conference held every other year for physicians, health care providers and office staff, nurses, pharmacists, and others interested in immunizations. The goal of the conference is to highlight the importance of immunizations, provide up-to-date information on new vaccines and recommendations, and share strategies to improve health and decrease the incidence of vaccine-preventable diseases. Key speakers in the past have included Andrew Kroger, MD, MPH, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Michael Marcy, MD, UCLA Center for Vaccine Research and Henry A. Wojtczak, MD, Department of Pediatrics Naval Medical Center San Diego. The next conference will be held in Fall, 2009 in Las Vegas, NV.
Silver Syringe Awards - View Gallery
This yearly event celebrates and recognizes immunization efforts in Nevada. Awards are presented to providers with the highest immunization rates, local and regional immunization projects and efforts, and those making a difference for our community.