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Nevada law requires immunizations for child care, school, and university entry unless excused because of religious belief or medical condition.

Immunize Nevada needs your support
Creating a better and healthier future for our state has been our vision for 25 years. But people across our urban, rural, and frontier communities face barriers to accessing vaccines, health care, and other resources.
You can help change that.
Thursday, September 28th | 10:00 am - 2:00 pm | Flu, COVID-19, Shingles, & RSV Vaccine Clinic
Immunize Nevada, in partnership with the Living Well Senior Expo, is hosting a Flu, Shingles, RSV, & COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic at the Suncoast Hotel and Casino
9090 Alta Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89145 | Suncoast Hotel and Casino
Please bring your insurance card.
Immunize Nevada, in partnership with Mesquite Gaming, is hosting a Covid, Flu, Pneumonia, and Shingles vaccine clinic at the Virgin River Hotel and Casino Event Tent. If insured, please bring your insurance card.
100 E. Pioneer Blvd. Mesquite, NV 89027 | Virgin River Hotel and Casino