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Immunize Nevada needs your support
Creating a better and healthier future for our state has been our vision for 25 years. But people across our urban, rural, and frontier communities face barriers to accessing vaccines, health care, and other resources.
You can help change that.
Every Friday & Monday | 6:30-10:30pm | 12+ COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic | No appointment necessary
The Southern Nevada Health District is hosting a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic for those 12+ every Friday & Monday with their DMV After-Hours Vaccine Clinic Series
DMV Sahara | 2621 E. Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89104
This location will also host after-hours clinics every Saturday & Sunday | 4:30-8:30pm
Monday, September 20 | 7:30-10am | 12+ COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic | No appointment necessary
Immunize Nevada is hosting a COVID-19 vaccine clinic for those 12+ with the Janssen, Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines
Acelero Learning-Henderson Center | 180 Westminster Way, Henderson, NV 89015
Monday, September 20 | 10am-2pm | 12+ COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic | No appointment necessary
Immunize Nevada is hosting a COVID-19 vaccine clinic for those 12+ with the Janssen, Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines
Rafael Rivera Community Center | 2900 Stewart Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89101