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Immunize Nevada needs your support
Creating a better and healthier future for our state has been our vision for 25 years. But people across our urban, rural, and frontier communities face barriers to accessing vaccines, health care, and other resources.
You can help change that.
Mondays-Fridays | 6am-12Noon | COVID-19 PCR Testing Clinic | No appointment necessary
The Southern Nevada Health District is hosting a COVID-19 PCR testing clinic
Southern Nevada Health District Decatur Crossing Center | 280 South Decatur Boulevard, Las Vegas, NV 89107
Tuesdays-Fridays | 7am-6pm | 5+ COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic | Appointments available, but not required
Carlin's Nevada Health Center hosts a COVID-19 vaccine clinic for those 5+ weekly
Call 775-754-2666 to make an appointment
Nevada Health Center | 749 3rd Street, Carlin, NV 89822
Mondays- Thursdays | 7am-5pm | COVID-19 Vaccines | No appointment necessary
Jackpot's Nevada Health Centers Clinic hosts a COVID-19 clinic Monday-Thursday. Office is closed for lunch from 12Noon-1pm
Nevada Health Centers Clinic-Jackpot | 950 Lady Luck Drive, Jackpot, NV 89825