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Immunize Nevada needs your support
Creating a better and healthier future for our state has been our vision for 25 years. But people across our urban, rural, and frontier communities face barriers to accessing vaccines, health care, and other resources.
You can help change that.
Mondays and Fridays | 6:15 am - 3:00 pm | 5+ COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic
The Southern Nevada Community Health Center is hosting a series of vaccine clinics with the Pfizer (12+), Pfizer (5-11), Moderna, and Janssen vaccines.
The Southern Nevada Community Health Center | 280 S. Decatur Blvd Las Vegas, Nevada 89107
Monday - Friday | 8-11am | 6mo+ COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic | Appointments are not necessary, but are available
The Southern Nevada Health District is hosting a series of COVID-19 vaccine clinics for those 6mo+ with the Moderna (6mo-11years), Pfizer (5+ years), and Novavax (12+ years).
College of Southern Nevada-North Las Vegas | 3200 East Cheyenne Avenue, North Las Vegas, NV 89030